miercuri, 25 martie 2015


884. Gresit: - My sister is doctor
My sister is a doctor - Sora mea e doctor.

885. Gresit: I have told you all what I know.
I have told you all (that) I know.

886. Gresit:I realized my plan to go fishing.
I accomplished my plan to go fishing - Mi-am realizat planul de a merge la pescuit.

887. Gresit: Is good idea
Gresit: I like very much
It is a good idea - E o idee buna
I like it very much - Imi place foarte mult

888. Gresit: According to me, it’s a bad movie.
In my opinion, it’s a bad movie - Dupa parerea mea.

889. Gresit: Normally I will be there next Friday.
I should be able to be there next Friday - In mod normal voi veni vinerea viitoare

890. Gresit: I am working for Company X
I work for Company X - Lucrez pentru Compania X

891. Gresit: Except Andu, everybody was there.
Except for Andu, everybody was there.- In afara lui Andu, au venit toti.

892. Gresit: I love the music.
I love music - Iubesc muzica

893. Gresit: I have done a mistake.
I have made a mistake. - Am facut o greseala

894. Gresit: Please, how I go to the park?
Gresit: Do you know where is my purse?

Please how do I go to the park? - Va rog, cum merg in parc?
Do you know where my purse is? - Stii unde mi-e poseta?


875. Formule de politete si expresii in engleza
Say hi to John for me - Saluta-l pe John din partea mea!
Don't worry! - Nu-ti face probleme!
Hurry up! - Grabeste-te!That's all right!
I'm sorry! - Iarta-ma!
Excuse me! - Scuza-ma!
That's all right! - N-are nimic!
Bless you! - Noroc!(la stranut)
Good luck - Noroc (vezi urari)
Pardon? - Poftim?
Your welcome - Cu placere
Thank you - Multumesc
Thanks - Merci!
Please - Te rog!


874. Urari in engleza
Cheers! - Noroc! (la ciocnitul de pahare)
Good luck! - Succes! Bafta!
Happy Birthday - La multi ani!
Happy New Year - La multi ani! (de revelion)
Merry Christmas! - Craciun fericit!
Enjoy! - Pofta buna!
Congratulations! - Felicitari!
May you ... - Fie ca tu...
May you have a fun trip! - Fie ca tu sa ai o excursie distractiva!
May you have a happy life! - Fie ca tu sa ai o viata fericita!


872. Formule de salut in engleza
Intre prieteni

si mai noul:Politicos
Hello, how are you? - Ce mai faci? - Cand esti introdus cuiva nou.
Greetings - Salutari
Good morning - Buna dimineata
Good afternoon - Buna ziua (dupa ora 12)
Good evening - Buna seara

How do you do?


871. Zilele saptaminii in engleza
Se scriu totdeauna cu litera mare

Se folosesc cu prepozitia on daca ne referim la ceva din ziua aceea.
Deci de exemplu lunea se zice on Monday sau Monday in functie de context.
I was born on a Monday. - M-am nascut intr-o zi de luni.
Monday is a hard day - Lunea e o zi grea.
Monday - luni
Tuesday - marti
Wednesday - miercuri
Thursday - joi
Friday - vineri
Saturday - sambata
Sunday - duminica

I'll be done by Friday - Voi fi gata pana vineri
And on Saturday I'll come visit - Si sambata vin sa te vizitez.
Saturdays are fun - Sambetele sunt distractive.
Monday is a hard day to stand - Lunea e o zi greu de suportat.


870. Anotimpurile in Engleza
Se scriu cu litera mica
La anotimpuri se foloseste prepozitia in the cand ne reperim la ceva din cadrul ei, altfel nu se articuleaza si e fara in(exemplul 3)
spring - primavara
summer - vara
fall, autumn - toamna
winter - iarna

In the winter it snows. - Iarna ninge
In the summer the snow melts - Primavara zapada se topeste
This summer I will go fishing - Vara asta ma duc la pescuit.
I hope fall doesn't come early - Sper ca toamna sa nu vina devreme.


869. Lunile anului in engleza Se scriu totdeauna cu litera mare
Anotimpurile insa se scriu cu litera mica.

In December we celebrate Christmas - In Decembrie sarbatorim Craciunul.
In the spring we celebrate Easter - Primavara sarbatorim Pastele
January - ianuarie
February - februarie
March - martie
April - aprilie
May - mai
June - iunie
July - iulie
August - august
September - septembrie
October - octombrie
November - noiembrie
December - decembrie


868. Exista in limba engleza cuvinte care seamana cu unele cuvinte din limba romana dar care au alt inteles.
Aceste cuvinte se numesc false friends adica prieteni falsi, inselatori.
Cand le intalnim ne bucuram ca le stim dar de fapt suntem pacaliti, fiindca insemnau altceva.
Iata o lista de 20 astfel de cuvinte.
NrFriendTraducereNu inseamnaCare se zice
2actuallyde faptactualpresent
3anticgluma, farsaanticancient
5directorycarte de adresedirectormanager
6to entitlea indreptatia intitulato title
7eventuallyin finaleventualpossibly
8fabricmaterial textilfabricafactory
10gustboare de vantgusttaste
11infatuationiubire puternicainfatuareconceit
13to mattera contamaterietot matter(substantiv)
14ministerpreot, ministruministrutot minister
15parcelpachetparcelalot of land
17presentcadou, prezentprezenttot present
18to realizea-si da seamaa realizato accomplish


857. In engleza americana present perfect este mult mai putin folosit si este inlocuit de past tense.

Am pregatit masa pentru petrecere
I have prepared the meal for the party – engleza britanica
I prepared the meal for the party – engleza americana
Aceste diferente exista si in cazul folosirii adverbelor already, just si yet
tocmai am ajuns acasa devine
I've just got home – engleza britanica
I just got home – engleza americana.

858. In engleza americana verbul to have - a avea, in forma sa de verb de sine statator, nu de auxiliar, de multe ori este inlocuit de have got.
I have got a farm poate inlocui I have a farm. - Am o ferma

859. Formele verbului to get
in engleza britanica
to get – got – got

in engleza americana
este deseori folosita si forma
to get – got – gotten

860. Datele se scriu altfel in engleza britanica fata de engleza americana.
23 august 1944
In engleza britanica
the 23rd of August 1944

In engleza americana
august 23rd, 1944
august 23, 1944

861. Substantivele colective
Un substantiv care exprima un grup: armata, comitet, stol etc
In engleza britanica un substantiv colectiv e la singular (verbul se pune la singular) daca in cadrul propozitiei intelesul e de bloc care actioneaza ca unul si la plural in sens contrar
A committee was appointed - A fost numit un comitet
The committee were unable to agree - Comitetul nu s-a (s-au in engleza) putut pune de acord

In engleza americana totdeauna aceste substantive sunt la singular
The committee was unable to agree

862. Auxiliarul shall e putin folosit in engleza americana.
Iar shan't (forma negativa) nu e folosit deloc in engleza americana.

863. In engleza americana dupa verbe ca to go - a merge, to come - a veni si to help - a ajuta se foloseste mult urmatoarea constructie:
I want to go eat - Vreau sa merg sa mananc
I wish to help build the house - Vreau sa ajut sa se construiasca casa
Can you come see a movie? - Poti sa vii sa vezi un film?
in loc de
I want to go to eat
I wish to help to build the house
Can you come to see a movie?

Engleza britanica in schimb zice:
I want to go and eat
I wish to help and build the house
Can you come and see a movie?

864. Engleza americana are tendinta (cateodata) de a taia sufixele adjectivelor formate cu ing, din participiu (cu ed) sau genitivul saxon('s).
Prezentam mai jos forma americana, forma englezeasca si traducerea pentru cateva exemple.
jump rope - skipping rope - coarda (de sarit)
racecar - racing car - masina de curse
dial tone - dialing tone - ton (de telefonat)
mash potatoes - mashed potatoes
dollhouse - doll's house

865. In engleza britanica la rauri cuvantul RAU - RIVER se pune la inceput iar in engleza americana la sfarsit.
The River Thames - raul Tamisa (in Marea Britanie)
River Trent - Marea Britanie
Mississippi River - raul Mississippi (in SUA)
Yukon River - Canada

866. Diferente ortografice intre engleza britanica si engleza americana
Redam mai jos schimbarile principale de ortografie, cu prima varianta fiind cea britanica.
Diferentele de ortografie sunt cel mai ades vizibile la terminatiile unor cuvinte.
Regulile se aplica pentru orice cuvant (cu unele exceptii), nu doar pentru cele prezentate.
- our, - or
colour - color - culoare, flavour - flavor - savoare; humour - humor - umor

- re, - er
centre - center - centru, metre - meter - metru

- ise, -ize
recognise - recognize - recunoaste, realize - realise - realiza

- ogue, - og
analogue - analog, catalogue - catalog

867. Diferenta de cuvinte.
Prezentam mai jos o lista de 40 de cuvinte care difera in engleza britanica fata de engleza americana
Engleza Britanica Engleza Americana Traducerea
the cinemathe moviescinematograf
dust-bintrashcancaldare de gunoi
ground floorfirst floorparter
jugpitchercontainer cu lichid, ulcior
to peepto peeka trage cu ochiul
rubbereraserguma de sters


780. Complimentul determina predicatul. El este de urmatoarele tipuri.
Compliment direct
Eu joc sah.
Raspunde la intrebarea ce?
Ce joc? Sah.
Sah este compliment direct
Complimentul indirect
Eu joc sah cu bunica.
Raspunde la una din intrebarile: (cui?, pe ce?, cu cine?, cu ce?, despre cine? despre ce? etc)
Cu cine joc? Cu bunica.
Bunica este compliment indirect.
Compliment de mod
Eu joc sah bine
Raspunde la intrebarea Cum?
Cum joc? Bine.
Compliment de loc
Eu joc sah in fata blocului
Raspunde la intrebarea Unde?
Unde joc? In fata blocului.
Compliment de timp
Eu joc sah zilnic.
Raspunde la intrebarea Cand?
Cand joc? Zilnic.

781. Subiectul vine in fata predicatului iar complementul direct si complementul indirect vin dupa predicat.
I am reading – Eu citesc
I am reading a book – Eu citesc o carte.
Aceasta ordine se pastreaza si in cadrul propozitiilor din fraza.
The people who are my neighbors are reading a story book. - Oamenii care sunt vecinii mei citesc o carte.

782. Daca exista si un complement indirect acesta vine dupa complimentul direct daca se foloseste prepozitia to.
Daca NU se foloseste TO complementul indirect vine INAINTEA complimentul direct

The people who are my neighbors are reading a story book (complement direct) to the little girl (complement indirect)- Oamenii care sunt vecinii mei citesc o poveste fetitei.
The people who are my neighbors are reading the little girl (complement indirect) a storybook(complement direct) - Oamenii care sunt vecinii mei citesc fetitei o poveste.

783. Daca nu exista compliment direct (a storybook) este obligatoriu sa se puna TO cand complimentul indirect raspunde la intrebarea cui?
The people who are my neighbors are reading to the little girl - Oamenii care sunt vecinii mei citesc fetitei.
Iata un exemplu care nu cere to (nu raspunde la intrebarea cui?)
The people who are my neighbors are reading a storybook with the little girl - Oamenii care sunt vecinii mei citesc cu fetita.

784. Adverbele de timp cu caracter precis (yesterday ieri, today - azi, tomorrow - maine, last year - anul trecut, last month - luna trecuta, next year - anul viitor etc) se pun la inceputul frazei
Orice altfel de compliment vine dupa complimentul direct daca acesta exista.
Daca nu exista vine direct dupa predicat.
Yesterday, the people who are my neighbors were reading a storybook to the little girl. - Ieri, oamenii care sunt vecinii mei citeau o poveste fetitei.
Sometimes the people who are my neighbors read a storybook with the little girl.- Cateodata, oamenii care sunt vecinii mei citesc o poveste cu> Sometimes the people who are my neighbors read a storybook out loud to the little girl in the evening - Cateodata, oamenii care sunt vecinii mei citesc cu voce tare o poveste fetitei seara.

785. Alte reguli: adjectivele se pun inaintea substantivelor, iar adverbele de frecventa se intercaleaza la verbe
Last month, the people who are my neighbors would often read a beautiful storybook to the little girl in the park in the evening. - Luna trecuta oamenii care sunt vecinii mei deseori citeau cu voce tare o frumoasa poveste fetitei seara, in park.

786. Never si hardly au urmatoarea regula de inversare a subiectului cu predicatul.
Se zice:
I have never heard such beautiful stories sau
Never have I heard such beautiful stories.
- Niciodata nu am mai auzit povesti atat de frumoase
I could hardly believe my ears
Hardly could I believe my ears.
- Abia-mi puteam auzi urechilor.

787. Inversiunea in cazul lui if
Cand se face o inversiune if cade.
If I had known the truth
Had I known the truth.


– desi.
- in alte contexte are intelesul de totusi sau desi:Although it is late I am still at work - Desi este tarziu sunt inca la birou.
I can not come, I would like to though. - Nu pot sa vin, mi-ar placea totusi (sa vin).
I can not come though I would like to - Nu pot sa vin desi mi-ar placea

765. AS
- ca
– pe cand
– asa cum
– She is as cute as a button sau she is cute as a button. - Ea este draguta ca un nasturas.
- Clean as a pack of new pins - curat ca un pachet de ace noi.
- Happy as a skylark - fericita ca o ciocarlie
Do as I do – Fa ca mine.
As I read on the lesson became easier – Pe cand citeam lectia a devenit mai usoara.
He cannot come as you well know – Nu poate veni asa cum bine sti.

- pentru ca
Take your coat because it's cold outside – Ia-ti haina pentru ca este frig afara

767. IF
– daca, daca...atunci
If you are happy, clap you're hands. Daca esti vesel, bate din palme
Atunci bate din palme – Then clap your hands.

– de cand
SINCE nu se foloseste la interogativ
La interogativ se foloseste SINCE WHEN.
The boy is sad since his parrot flew away. - Baiatul este trist de cand i-a zburat papagalul.
Since when do you swim? Since I was six.- De cand inoti? De cand aveam sase ani.

769. SINCE
– are si intelesul de cum
- din
Since you know everything, I won't tell you – Cum tu le stii pe toate nu iti spun.
She has been skiing since childhood – Ea a schiat din copilarie.

770. THAN
- decat, ca
I am taller than you.- Eu sunt mai inalt ca tine.
Better later than never - Mai bine mai tarziu decat niciodata

- decat daca
Don't answer the door unless it rings three times. - Sa nu raaspunzi la usa decat daca suna de trei ori.

772. WHERE
- unde, acolo unde
Where are my eyeglasses? - Unde imi sant ochelarii?
Where you left them. - Acolo unde i-ai lasat.
He stays in hotels where rooms are cheap. - Sta in hoteluri unde (in care) camerele sunt iefine.
He stays where rooms are cheap. - El sta acolo unde camerele sunt ieftine.

773. WHERE...FROM?
- de unde
Where are you from? - De unde esti?
I am from Bucharest – Sunt din Bucuresti

774. WHEN - cand, atunci cand

When you buy food, always check the expiration date. - Cand cumperi mancare totdeauna verifica data expirarii.
When did she leave? - (She left) when the phone rang.
Cand a plecat? - (A plecat) atunci cand a sunat telefonul.

775. WHILE
- in timp ce

Tot while poate fi si substantiv cu intelesul de putin timp, un pic.
Whistle while you work – Fluiera in timp ce muncesti.
Stay with us for a while - Stai cu noi un pic.

776. BOTH ... AND
- si
Both his dog and his cat sleep on his bed – Atat cainele cat si pisica lui dorm la el in pat.

777. EITHER ... OR
- sau...sau
You either apologize for breaking the vase or you buy it. - Sau iti ceri scuze ca ai spart vasul sau il cumperi.

778. NEITHER ... NOR
- nici ...nici.
No. I'll neither apologize nor buy it. - Nu, nici nu imi voi cere scuze nici nu il voi cumpara.

- nu si
Not only was I pushed but I also hit myself when I fell over the vase. - Nu numai ca am fost impins ci m-am si lovit cand am cazut peste vas.

marți, 24 martie 2015


IN - prepozitie de timp - se foloseste pentru a indica o zi a saptamanii sau o zi a anului.I will go see him on Monday. - Ma duc sa-l vad luni.
I was born on October 13. on Monday - M-am nascut pe 13 octombrie, lunea.

712. IN - prepozitie de timp
– indica luna sau anotimpul
- indica perioada din zi
- indica anul
- indica peste cat timp va avea loc ceva

- in March - in martie
- in winter - iarna
- in the morning - dimineata
- in the evening - seara
- I will graduate in 2014 - Voi absolvi in 2014
- in an hour - intr-o ora

713. AT - prepozitie de timp
Se foloseste in legatura cu noaptea.
At night I hear voices. - Noaptea aud voci

714. SINCE – prepozitie de timp
Dintr-un moment trecut si pana acum.
Since World War 2 many things have changed.- De la al Doilea Razboi Mondial multe s-au schimbat.

715. FOR – prepozitie de timp
Timp de: intr-o anumita perioada de timp, din trecut si pana acum.
She has been away for two years - A fost plecata timp de doi ani

716. FROM – prepozitie de timp
De la - marcheaza momentul de inceput al unei actiuni.
I start working from 6 in the evening - Muncesc incepand de la 6 seara.

717. AGO – prepozitie de timp
– acum (numai legat de timp)
Two years ago - Acum doi ani

718. BEFORE – prepozitie de timp
– legat de timp inseamna inainte de o anumita data.
He was born before 1980. - El s-a nascut inainte de 1980.
Before you leave – Inainte sa pleci.

719. TO – prepozitie de timp
– are rolul lui fara din romana pentru exprimarea timpului
12 fara 10, 10 to 12.

720. PAST – prepozitie de timp
- are rolul lui si din romana pentru exprimarea timpului:
12 si 10 - 10 past 12

721. TILL/UNTIL – prepozitie de timp
- impreuna cu FROM formeaza combinatia: dela ... pana la
- fara FROM inseamna pana.
Till si until sunt sinonime.
I study English from 6 to 7 everyday. - Studiez engleza de la 6 la 7 zilnic.
He has until Friday to finish the project. - Are pana vineri sa-si termine proiectul?
Please stay indoors until the storm has passed. - Te rog stai in casa pana trece furtuna.

722. BY – prepozitie de timp
– cel tarziu
- pana in
I will be back by six. - Ma intorc cel tarziu la 6.
By June I had learned to ride a bike. - Pana in iunie invatasem sa merg pe bicicleta.

723. By spre deosebire de until indica o data limita

He has until Friday to finish the project - until este pozitiv, arata tot intervalul de timp in care el poate termina proiectul
He has by Friday to finish the project – are caracter de avertizare

724. OVER – prepozitie de timp
over este numai in legatura cu trecutul.
In a century from now – este in viitor.
– over a century ago – acum peste un secol Over time – de-a lungul timpului.
He stayed over the weekend – A stat (la noi) peste weekend.
We talked over a cup of coffee - Am stat de vorba la o ceasca de cafea.

725. OF – prepozitie de timp
- se foloseste la exprimarea datei.
The Fourth of July – Patru iulie
The first of December - Intai decembrie
He was born on the the 20th of May.- S-a nascut pe 20 mai.

726. AFTER – prepozitie de timp
- se foloseste la exprimarea orei
- inseamna dupa
10 after five. Cinci si zece
I am tired after I run – Sunt obosit dupa ce alerg.
Year after year – An dupa an.

727. DURING – prepozitie de timp
- in timpul.
During the day I play and at night I work. - In timpul zilei ma joc si in timpul noptii muncesc.
During the concert, my cellphone rang – In timpul concertului, mi-a sunat mobilul.

728. IN – prepozitie de loc
- in din romaneste
- cand actiunea este statica, se poate traduce cu intr-un,intr-o
- partile corpului se folosesc cu in
- se foloseste la superlative.
- orasele mari sunt cu IN.

Obs:Pentru in autobuz, in tren, in avion vezi on
- I lost my keys in the car – Mi-am pierdut cheile in masina.
- I found the keys in a pocket – Am gasit cheile intr-un buzunar.
- in the arm – la brat.
- the most beautiful girl in the land – cea mai frumoasa fata din tinut
- one in a thousand - unul dintr-o mie.
- in Paris, in Bucharest

729. Alte contexte pentru IN
Is Margaret in? Este Margareta acasa? Aici in este de fapt adverb.

730. AT – prepozitie de loc
– inseamna la
Daca actiunea este statica se foloseste at
Pentru verbe de miscare vezi to.
He's at the door - El e la usa.
He's at the railway station - E la gara.
I sat down at the table – M-am asezat la masa.
I'm at the library. - Sunt la biblioteca.

731. ON – prepozitie de loc
– se foloseste de asemeni la etaje
- TV, radio. internet
- autobuz, avion, tren
- on the table, the chair etc – pe masa, pe scaun etc
- on the left – pe (partea) stanga
- on the first floor – la primul etaj
- on TV – la TV.
- on the radio – la radio
- on the internet – pe internet
- I lost my keys on the bus, on the plane, on the train - Mi-am pierdut cheile pe autobuz, in avion, pe tren

732. BY/NEXT TO/BESIDE – prepozitie de loc
- langa, alaturi.
By, next to si beside sunt sinonime.
In the picture, my friend is standing by me - In poza prietena mea sta langa mine.
Stand by me! – Sprijina-ma (moral)!

733. BESIDES – prepozitie de loc
BESIDES nu trebuie confundat cu beside.
Besides poate fi tradus cu pe langa
Besides nu are sensul din Pe langa plapii fara sot care este mai degraba by. By the odd numbered poplars.

Pe langa matematica, iau si cursuri de fizica.- Besides math I also take physics classes.

734. UNDER – prepozitie de loc
– sub
- poate avea si sens abstract.

- The dog is under the table - Cainele e sub masa
- Underground, ants build entire cities. - Sub pamant, furnicile construiesc adevarate orase.
- This job is under me - Aceasta slujba nu este demna de mine.
- Under construction - in constructie.
- - Under atac – atacat.
- Under arest – arestat.

735. UNDERNEATH – prepozitie de loc
- are acelasi inteles ca under dar subliniaza ideea de ceva mic, complet acoperit de ceva mare.
Asemanator cu dedesubt.
Underneath se refera numai la lucruri fizice nu se refera la situatii abstracte.

The money is underneath the book. - Banii sunt sub carte.

736. BELOW – prepozitie de loc
– sub
Below arata ca ceva este mai jos decat altceva, nu ca este neaparat sub un obiect material.
below zero temperature - sub 0 grade
Below the surface seaweed grows in abundance - Sub suprafata (apei) algele cresc din abundenta.
The image below – imaginea de mai jos.
He is below average – El se afla sub medie.

737. OVER – prepozitie de loc
– peste

I will spread the blanket over the bed. - Voi intinde patura peste pat
The bear went over the mountain – Ursul a trecut peste munte.
A little over a kilometer – Putin peste un kilometru.
Walk over the bridge – Treci peste pod (traverseaza podul)
He will get over it –Ii va trece.
Over his head – Peste intelegerea lui, prea destept pentru el.
We quarelled over nothing – Ne-am certat pentru nimic.
Over here – aici, over there – acolo.

738. ABOVE – prepozitie de loc
- deasupra.
Above este opusul lui Below iar Over este opusul lui Under.
The room above (us). Camera de deasupra noastra.
5 degrees above 0 - 5 grade peste 0.
I try to stay above these quarrels – Incerc sa raman deasupra acestor certuri.

739. ACROSS – prepozitie de loc
– peste, de-a curmezisul.
- de partea cealalta.
Over are intelesul de asezat peste ceva, across nu.
I live across the street – Locuiesc pe partea cealalta a strazii.
I came across an old man in the forest - Am dat de/peste un batran in padure.
A hole 2 meters across sau 2 meters wide – O gaura cu diametrul de 2 metri.

740. THROUGH – prepozitie de loc
- prin. Across este o miscare directa (to cross = a traversa).
Through presupune ca si prin, un loc inchis.
I walked through the forest – Am mers prin padure.
I drove through the tunnel.

741. TO – prepozitie de loc
– la, catre.
Spre deosebire de AT care arata ca te afli undeva, TO arata ca mergi spre acel loc.
I am going to the library. In 10 minutes I will be at the library – Merg catre bibliteca. In 10 minute voi fi la biblioteca.
He turned to me – S-a intors catre mine.
He worked them to exhaustion - I-a pus sa munceasca pana la epuizare.
He was nursed back to health – A fost ingrijit pana la insanatosire.
An answer to my question – Un raspuns la intrebarea mea.

742. INTO – prepozitie de loc
– in
Spre deosebire de in, into exprima patrunderea intr-un spatiu.

Daca ideea nu este ca el este intr-un loc anume, se zice to.
He went in/into the kitchen to get the salt - S-a dus in bucatarie sa ia sarea.
. Go to your room! - Du-te in camera ta (esti pedepsit)!
He went deeper and deeper into the forest. - S-a afundat din ce in ce mai adanc in padure.
-He went into the kitchen.- A intrat in bucatarie.
The prince was turned into a frog.- Printul s-a transformat intr-o broasca

743. TOWARDS – prepozitie de loc
- spre
. Miscare intr-o directie dar cu aproximatie.
Take 10 steps towards me. - Fa 10 pasi spre mine.

744. BEFORE – prepozitie de loc
- inainte
He stood before me in line – Era inaintea mea la coada.

745. ONTO – prepozitie de loc
- pe ceva mai sus decat restul
The dog jumped onto the chair – Cainele a sarit pe scaun.

746. ABOUT – prepozitie de loc
- in jurul
There are flowers all about me. - Sunt flori peste tot in jurul meu.

747. WITH
- cu
- in sprijinul
- din cauza, de
I write with my left hand – Scriu cu mana stanga.
He came with a present – A venit cu un cadou.
He left the keys with the neighbors – A lasat cheile cu (la) vecini.
I'm with the peace movement – Sprijin (Sunt cu) miscarea pacifista. trembling with fear – tremurand de frica.
Sick with diabetes – bolnav de diabet.
Sick with an infection: Bolnav din cauza unei infectii.

748. TO
- cu
- cateodata se traduce cu in
- dupa
- in onoarea - se foloseste si ca infinitiv fara verb cand verbul se subintelege
face to face: fata in fata
face pressed to the window – fata apasata in (de) geam
They danced to the music – Au dansat dupa muzica.
According to his abilities – Potrivit/Dupa capcitatile lui.
A toast to my guest - Un toast in onoarea musafirului meu.
I'll drink to that – Voi bea/inchina in onoarea acestei idei
Sing if you want to - Canta daca vrei (sa canti este subinteles).
I hurt his feelings but I didn't mean to - L-am jignit dar nu am vrut (sa-l jignesc se subintelege)
E gresit sa zici: I hurt his feelings but I didn't mean, desi in romaneste pare corect.

- cateodata inseamna si fata de
Her feelings towards me – Sentimentele ei fata de mine.

750. OF
- ale, de
- in: Doctor of Law – doctor in drept, doctor of medicine – doctor in medicina etc.
- din partea

Observatie Cadoul e din partea lui, din partea dreapta etc se formeaza cu FROM.
the customs of Romania – obieiurile Romaniei
west of here – la vest de aici
dress of silk – rochie de matase
glass of wine – pahar de/cu vin,
they were dying of hunger – mureau de foame
how nice of him! - ce dragut din partea lui

751. OFF
- de pe, din
I got off the bus/the train/the boat/the plane – M-am dat jos din autobuz/tren/vapor/avion.
I raised the book off the floor – Am ridicat cartea de pe podea.
Take this burden off my back – Ia-mi aceasta greutatea din spate.

752. OFF se poate folosi si in alte contexte:

He drove off – El a plecat cu masina.
He dozed off – a atipit
He shaved off his beard – si-a ras barba.
Turn off the light/ the radio! - Stinge lumina/radioul!
I took my clothes/socks/hat/shoes off – Mi-am scos hainele/ciorapii/palaria/pantofii.
The show/wedding etc is off. - Spectacolul/nunta etc nu se mai tine.
We're off to see the wizard! The wonderful wizard of Oz! - Am plecat sa-l vedem pe vrajitor! Pe minunatul vrajitor din Oz!
I'm off duty – Sunt in afara programului

753. OUT OF: - (afara) din
He got out of the car – A coborat din masina.
What is the wooden statue made of? It's made out of wood, silly!
He did it out of spite – A facut-o de ciuda.
Out of town by sundown – Afara din oras pana la apusul soarelui (ordin dat impotriva cuiva in zilele vestului salbatic).

754. ABOUT
- despre
- aprximativ
A book about parrots – O carte despre papagali
That happened about a year ago – Asta s-a intamplat cam acum un an.
He is about my age/height/weight – El este cam de varsta/inaltimea/greutatea mea.

- pe punctul:
I was about to miss the train – Am fost pe punctul sa pierd trenul.

- printre, dintre, intre:
Totdeauna se foloseste BETWEEN in cazul a doua optiuni si nu AMONG.
This is between you and him. - Aceasta problema este intre tine si el.
The choice between good and evil - Alegerea dintre bine si rau.
I talked on the phone between classes - In perioada dintre cursuri am vorbit la telefon.

757. AMONG:
- printre, dintre, intre. AMONG spre deosebire de between arata apartenenta
Daca sunt numai doua substantive implicate folositi between
He is among the winners - El se afla printre castigatori.
The money was divided among the winners. Banii s-aui impartit intre castigatori.

758. UPON - pe, asupra
The wrath of God be upon you! – Fie mania lui Dumnezeu asupra ta!
The little girl climbed upon her dad's shoulders. - Fetita s-a urcat pe umerii tatalui ei.
The statue is upon a pedestal – Statuia este pe un piedestal.
Combina up si on.

759. OVER – are si intelesul de terminat

Over and out – La radiourile vechi: Convorbire terminata
The movie is over - Filmul s-a terminat

760. A nu se confunda TO cu TOO care inseamna DEASEMENI sau cu TWO care inseamna DOI.
I too want to go with those two – Si eu vreau sa merg cu cei doi.

761. FROM
- de la
- datorita
- de
A letter from my aunt. - O scrisoare de la matusa mea.
I walked home from school – Am venit pe jos acasa de la scoala.
Taking a book from the box – Luand o carte din cutie.
He collapsed from all the hard work. - S-a prabusit datorita (de la) muncii istovitoare
She knows right from wrong – Ea stie binele de rau.
It is 100 kilometers from here. - Este la 100 de mile de aici.

762. Vorbitorii nativi de multe ori pun prepozitii la sfarsitul frazei ceea ce poate incurca pe un strain:
That's where I'm going to. - Acolo ma duc
That's where I'm coming from - De-acolo vin
The money was not accounted for - Banii nu au fost explicati.
Which class is he in? - In care clasa e?
What are you talking about? - (Despre) ce vorbesti
That is something I am aware of - Sunt constient de acest fapt.


Adverbe de mod
slowly - incet
carefully - atent
awfully - teribil
A citit incet scrisoarea
Toate urmatoarele formulari sunt corecte

Slowly, he read the letter
He slowly read the letter
He read the letter slowly

A deschis cu grija plicul
Toate urmatoarele formulari sunt corecte

Carefully, he opened the envelope
He carefully opened the envelope
He opened the envelope carefully

El este teribil de trist - He is awfully sad

687. Adverbe de loc
here - aici
there - acolo
behind - in spate
above - deasupra
In general aceste adverbe se pun la sfarsit, mai rar se pun si inaintea subiectului.
We met him here. - L-am intalnit aici
We stayed there. - Am stat acolo

In aceste doua cazuri, adverbele nu pot fi asezate in alta parte in propozitie.

688. Adverbe de timp
now - acum
then - atunci
yesterday - ieri
In general aceste adverbe se pun la sfarsit, mai rar se pun si inaintea subiectului.
Now listen to a story - Acum asculta o poveste
Listen to the story now - Asculta povestea acum.

He went fishing yesterday - S-a dus la pescuit ieri
Yesterday he went fishing - Ieri s-a dus la pescuit.
Constructia romaneasca - S-a dus ieri la pescuit - NU se poate respecta
He went yesterday fishing e GRESIT.
Aceasta propozitie da impresia ca yesterday e un adjectiv adica exista un mod de a pescui numit yesterday.

689. Adverbe de frecventa
always - totdeauna
already - deja
never - niciodata
seldom - rareori
usually - deobicei

Daca verbul este to be si nu este un timp compus, deobicei se pune dupa be.
La timpurile compuse ele se intercaleaza.
La verbele celelalte aceste adverbe se pune inaintea verbului.
I am usually on time – Deobicei ajung la timp.
I have never seen this movie - Nu am vazut niciodata acest film.
I often dream of him – De multe ori il visez.

690. Adverbele de frecventa
occasionally - din cand in cand
frequently - mereu
usually - deobicei
sometimes - cateodata
Se pot pune inaintea subiectului.

Cateodata, am nevoie de o vacanta.
I sometimes need a vacation
Sometimes I need a vacation

Deobicei, alerg repede
Usually I run fast
I usually run fast

691. Adverbele de frecventa
occasionally - din cand in cand
rarely - rareori
often - ades
Se pot pune si la sfarsit.

Il vizitez ades
I often visit him.
I visit him often.


Terminatia - ish
De multe ori are terminatia - esc in romaneste
Poate fi folosita si la culori. Deobicei nu e folosit in sens pozitiv.
childish - copilaresc - simplu, fara maturitate
foolish - prostesc
childish - copilaresc
selfish - egoist
bluish - albastrui

671. Terminatia - like
Inseamna asemeni Deobicei e folosit in sens pozitiv.
childlike - ca un copil - inocent, dragut
lifelike - in marime naturale, ca in viata
ladylike - care e potrivit pentru o doamna
godlike - asemeni lui Dumnezeu

672. Terminatia - ous
glamorous - incantator
dangerous - periculos
poisonous - otravitor

673. Terminatia - y
rainy - ploios
a rainy day - o zi ploioasa
funny - nostim
sunny - insorit
furry - cu blana

674. Numeralele deasemeni pot actiona ca adjective
In cazul acesta substantivul pierde pe s adica devine la singular.
a 100 page document - un document de 100 de pagini
a 20 day diet - un regim de 20 de zile
a 10 foot ladder - o scara de 10 picioare

675. Ca si in romaneste adjective pot fi formate de participiul unui verb
lacul inghetat (de la a ingheta) – the frozen lake
peretele zugravit – the painted wall
merele cumparate – the bought apples
varza umpluta – stuffed cabage

676. Unele verbe au doua forme de participiu, de exemplu: shave are si shaved si shaven.
Ca adjectiv se foloseste forma neregulata.
He has shaved his beard. - El si-a ras barba (aici shaved e verb, descrie o actiune)
He is clean shaven - El este complet ras. (shaven e adjectiv)

677. Terminatia - ing:
Adjective formate din gerunziul verbelor

sleeping dog - caine care doarme
sleeping bag – sac de dormit
talking movies – filme care vorbesc
(filmele sonore din epoca cinematografului mut)
talking parrot - papagal vorbitor

678. Terminatia - able:
Deobicei aceste adjectiv in romaneste au terminatia abil
agreeable - agreabil
expandable - expandabil
remarkable - remarcabil
likable - placut

679. Terminatia - ible:
Deobicei aceste adjectiv in romaneste au terminatia ibil
sensible - intelept (nu inseamna sensibil)
flexible - flexibil
accessible - accesibil

680. Terminatia - ent:
Deobicei aceste adjectiv in romaneste au tot terminatia ent
excellent - excelent
urgent - urgent
different - diferit

681. Terminatia - ant:
Deobicei aceste adjectiv in romaneste au tot terminatia ant
pleasant - placut
reliant - dependent
ignorant - ignorant
vacant - vacant

682. Terminatia - ive:
Deobicei aceste adjectiv in romaneste au tot terminatia iv
attractive - atractiv
creative - creativ
secretive - secretos
informative - informativ


646. Terminatia - ment
Substantive abstracte provenite din verbe:
to excite - a entuziasma
excitment - entuziasm

to enjoy - a se bucura enjoyment - bucurie

647. Terminatia - tion sau - ion
Substantive provenite din verbe
To comunicate - A comunica
Communication - Comunicare

To pollute - A polua
Pollution - Poluare

To admit - A admite, a recunoaste
Admission - Recunoastere

648. Terminatia - er, - or sau - ist
Substantive provenite din verbe si care reprezinta meserii:
to teach - a invata pe altii
teacher - invatator, profesor

to run - a alerga
runner - alergator

to act - a juca in piese
actor - actor

to translate - a traduce
translator - traducator

to economize - a economisi
economist - economist

649. Terminatiile - er, - ee desemneaza substantive care contrasteaza unul cu celalalt
employer - angajator
employee - angajat

650. Terminatia - ing
Gerunziile verbelor pot fi folosite ca substantive.

To sleep - a dormi
Sleeping bag - Sac de dormit - adjectiv
Sleeping is vital for our health - Dormitul e vital pebntru sanatatea noastra - substantiv.
Obs: si sleep is vital for our health era corect.
Learning can be tiresome - Invatatul poate fi obositor.
Eating all day is dangerous - Mancatul toata ziua e periculos
Singing is fun - Cantatul e distractiv.

651. Terminatia - ist/ism
Ca si in romaneste desemneaza oameni/ideologii

652. Terminatia - al
Substantive provenite din verbe:

Atentie! In romaneste acest mod de a construi substantive e automat:
da - dare, veni - venire, alerga - alergare, pleca - plecare
In engleza nu exista decat rar aceasta constructie cu - al
Ea poate fi inlocuita de constructia cu: - ing
Plecarea in vacanta a fost grea - Plecatul in vacanta a fost greu
Leaving for vacation was hard

Atentie! Multe adjective deasemeni au terminatia al
arrival - sosire
refusal - refuz
denial - negare
burial - ingropare

653. Terminatia - ness
Substantive abstracte provenite din adjective:
Laziness - lene
Hapiness - fericire
Sadness - tristete
Kindness - bunatate

654. Terminatia - hood
Creeaza substantive abstracte provenite din alte substantive
Mai ales termeni legati de familie (dar nu numai):
motherhood - maternitate
childhood - copilarie
brotherhood - fratie
dar si
priesthood - preotie
neighborhood - vecibnatate

655. Terminatia - ship
Substantive abstracte care desemneaza o relatie si care provin din alte substantive sau din adjective.
friendship - prietenie
membership - calitatea de a fi membru
partnership - partenariat

hardship - greutati
hard - greu (adjectiv, adverb)

656. Terminatia - ty:
Substantive abstracte provenite din adjective:

honesty - onestitate
loyalty - loialitate
priority - prioritate
majority - majoritate

657. Un adjectiv

Poate proveni din:
- un substantiv (day - daily - zilnic, fur - furry - cu blana)
- un verb (fishing, melted)

sau poate fi chiar el baza pentru formarea
- unui alt adjectiv (red-reddish)
- unui verb (red - redden; danger - endanger, tight - tighten)
- unui substantiv (tall - tallness)

658. Terminatia - al
Adjective provenite din substantive:

659. Terminatia - ly
Adjective provenite din substantive
Aceasta terminatie insa este tipica pentru adverbe nu pentru adjective.
daily - zilnic
friendly - prietenos
monthly - lunar
bodily - care tine de corp

660. Terminatia - ful
Adjective provenite din substantive
Full of – pline de
joyful - full of joy - cu fericire
careful - full of care - grijuliu
graceful - full of grace - gratios
delightful - full of delight - incantator
beautiful - full of beauty - frummoasa

661. Terminatia - less Adjective provenite din substantive
Less - fara
homeless - fara locuinta
a homeless beggar - un cersetor fara locuinta
he is homeless - el e fara locuinta
powerless - fara putere
faithless - fara credinta
meaningless - fara sens

662. Cuvintele terminate in y schimba pe y in i inaintea sufixelor: ful, less, ous

plentiful, penniless
dar nu daca inaintea lui y este o vocala
playful, joyful, joyless

663. Terminatia - ary
Adjective provenite din substantive
Sunt legate de o insusire sau de un loc
customary - conform obiceiului
momentary - de moment, efemer

Here, it is customary to take your shoes off in the house - Aici, este obiceiul de a te descalta in casa

664. Terminatia - ic
Adjective provenite din substantive
athletic - atletic
basic - fundamental
historic - istoric

665. Terminatia - ical
Adjective provenite din substantive
magic, magical - magic
logical - logic
historical - istoric

666. historic si historical


644. Multe verbe sunt si substantive.
Adica infinitivul scurt(fara to) al verbului e si substantiv.
De exemplu:
(to) back – a sprijini, spate
(to) cook – a gati, bucatar
(to) cut - a taia, taietura
(to) drink - a bea/bautura
(to) fall - a cadea, cazatura<
(to) fish - a pescui, peste
(to) hate - a uri, ura
(to) heat - a incalzi, caldura
(to) help - a ajuta, ajutor
(to) laugh a rade, ras
(to) search a cauta, o expeditie de cautare
(to) talk a vorbi, cuvantare
(to) walk a merge, plimbare
(to) work a munci, munca

645. Verbele de mai sus sunt cateva verbe care sunt identice ca substantive. Exista si verbe care se scriu la fel dar ca substantive au accentul altfel decat la verbe.
To export - a exporta, export
To record - a inregistra, inregistrare
To present - a prezenta, cadou


1.To Awake - Awoke - Awoken: A se treziMy noisy parrot awakes me every morning - Papagalul meu zgomotos ma scoala in fiecare dimineata

474. 2.To Be - Was/Were - Been: A Fi
This is my house - Aceasta este casa mea
Where there is a will there is a way - Unde exista o vointa, exista si o cale
Two plus three is 5 - 2 + 3 fac 5

475. 3.To Bear - Bore - Borne: - A purta
I bear all the responsibility for what happened - Eu port toata raspunderea pentru ceea ce s-a intamplat.
She bore the basket on her head - Ducea cosul pe cap
He bore the pain in silence - El suporta durerea in liniste

476. 4.To Beat - Beat - Beaten - A Bate
I beat you at chess! Hahaha! - Te-am batut la sah, hahaha! I beat the carpets monthly - Bat lunar covoarele

477. 5.Become - Became - Become - A deveni
He became the best football coach in the world - A devenit cel mai bun antrenor de fotbal din lume
What became of him? - Ce s-a ales de el?
Does white become me? - Mi se potriveste albul?

478. 6.Begin - Began - Begun - A incepe
I began writing my thesis - Am inceput sa-mi scriu teza de doctorat
This does not even begin to cover the costs - Aceasta nici nu incepe sa acopere costurile

479. 7.Bend - Bent - Bent - A indoi
The car door was bent in the accident - Usa de la masina s-a indoit in accident
Some lawyers bend the truth - Unii avocati distorsioneaza adevarul
Will you bend the rule a bit, this time? - Vrei sa faci o mica exceptie de la regula, de data asta?

480. 8.Bet - Bet - Bet - A pune pariu
That is the horse I bet my money on - Acesta e calul pe care mi-am pariat banii.
Your best bet is to see a lawyer - Cea mai buna solutie e sa mergi la un avocat
I bet you'll like the trip - Pun pariu ca o sa-ti placa calatoria

481. 9.Bid - Bid - Bid - A oferi un pret
Let the bidding begin! - Sa inceapa ofertele de pret!
He bid the kind family farewell - Si-a luat la revedere de la familia buna la inima.

482. 10.Bind - Bound - Bound - A lega (sfori, carti etc)
Serfs in the Middle Ages were bound to the land - Iobagii din Evul Mediu erau legati de pamant
The villagers bound up the robber - Satenii l-au legat pe hot

483. 11.Bite - Bit - Bitten - A musca
He was bitten by 22 cats and a kitten - A fost muscat de 22 de pisici si un pisoi.
He bit the bait - A muscat din momeala
A mosqito bit me - M-a ciupit un tantar

484. 12.Bleed - Bled - Bled - A sangera
His nose was bleeding - Ii curgea sange din nas.
The color of the shirt bled into the other fabrics and now everything is brown - Culoarea de la camasa s-a raspandit in celelalte materiale si acum totul e maroniu

485. 13.Blow - Blew - Blown - A sufla
The wind blew his hat off - Vantul i-a luat palaria
Blow your nose! she said to her little boy. - Sufla-ti nasul! a spus ea baietelului ei.
The bomb almost blew up in my face! - Bomba aproape ca mi-a explodat in fata!
He blew out the candles - A stins lumanarile (sufland in ele)

486. 14.Break - Broke - Broken - A (se) sparge, A se strica

He broke the vase! - A spart vaza!
He broke his arm! - Si-a rupt mana!
The TV is broke. - Televizorul e stricat.
He broke the world record - A depasit recordul mondial
He broke the law - A incalcat legea
They broke up - S-au despartit.
We'll break for cofee. - Vom face o pauza de cafea.

487. 15.Bring - Brought - Brought - A aduce
I brought supplies for the troops - Am adus provizii pentru trupe
The enemy was brought to his knees - Dusmanul a fost infrant(ingenuncheat)
The quarrel brought out the worst in him - Cearta a scos la iveala toate caracteristicile lui negative
He brought it upon himself - Si-a facut-o cu mana lui.
It was brought to my attention - Mi s-a semnalat

488. 16.Build - Built - Built - A construi
The house was built around 1850 - Casa a fost construita in jurul anului 1850
The house had a shelf built-in the wall. - Casa avea un raft incorpoat in perete

489. 17.Burn - Burnt/Burned - Burnt/Burned - A arde
He burns all his letters - Isi arde toate scrisorile
His job is burning him out - Slujba il epuizeaza

490. 18.Burst - Burst - Burst - A plesni, a fi plin ochi, a izbucni
The kid was bursting with energy - Copilul plesnea de energie
The balloon burst from the heat - Balonul a explodat de la caldura.
The crowd burst out laughing - Multimea a izbucnit in ras.
He burst out the door - A iesit cu putere (a izbucnit) pe usa.

491. 19.Buy - Bought - Bought - A cumpara
I bought a new refridgerator - Am cumparat un frigider nou.
He didn't buy my excuse - Nu a crezut scuza mea
Going by taxi will buy you some time - Daca mergi cu taxi-ul mai castigi niste timp.

492. 20.Cast - Cast - Cast - A arunca (doar anumite lucruri, multe din ele nautice)
He cast a glance - A aruncat o privire
The sea cast them to shore - Marea i-a aruncat la tarm
The fisherman cast his net - Pescarul si-a aruncat plasa de pescuit in apa
The fishermat cast the fishing line into the sea - Pescarul si-a aruncat firul de pescuit in apa
This certainly casts some doubt over his innocence - Aceasta arunca cu siguranta o indoiala asupra nevinovatiei lui.
In the summer, I like sitting in the long shadow cast by the tower - Vara imi place sa stau la umbra aruncata de turn.

493. Catch - Caught - Caught - A prinde
He caught the ball - A prins mingea.
He caught a cold - A racit
He was caught stealing - A fost prins furand
He caught the bus - A prins autobuzul
I didn't catch all you said - Nu am prins tot ce ai spus

494. 22.Choose - Chose - Chosen - A alege
She was chosen for the team - A fost aleasa in echipa
You may leave if you choose - Poti pleca, daca doresti.
I cannot choose to stand aside - Nu pot sa aleg sa nu ma implic.

495. 23.Clap - Clapped/Clapt - Clapped/Clapt - A bate din palme, a incropi
The children were clapping their hands - Copii bateau din palme
They clapped up a garage - Au incropit un garaj

496. 24.Cling - Clung - Clung - A se agata, a se tine strans
The bus passengers were clinging to the seats in front during the bumpy ride. - Pasagerii autobuzului se tineau de scaunele din fata in timpul calatoriei cu denivelari.
They cling to old-fashioned ideas. - Ei se agata de idei invechite

497. 25.Clothe - Clad/Clothed - Clad/Clothed - A imbraca (cuvant vechi)
The queen was clothed in gold and silver - Regina era imbracata in aur si argint
Trees clothed in a rainbow of colors - Copaci imbracati intr-un curcubeu de culori

498. 26.Come - Came - Come - A veni
Come see me! - Vino sa ma vezi!
They came to a conclusion - Au ajuns la o concluzie
My family comes first - Familia vine intai (are prioritate)
The project is coming along very well - Proiectul inainteaza foarte bine.
A wrench would come in handy - Un cleste ar fi util
It's all coming back to me now. - Incep sa imi amintesc totul

499. 27.Cost - Cost - Cost - A costa
How much does asparagus cost? - Cat costa sparanghelul
It almost cost me my life - Aproape ca m-a costat viata

500. 28.Creep - Crept - Crept - A se tara
A spider was creeping up the wall - Un paianjen se urca pe perete
Depression can creep up on you - Depresia poate sa te cuptinda pe nesimtite

501. 29.Cut - Cut - Cut - A taia
He cut the apple in two - A taiat marul in doua
I have to cut my hair - Trebuie sa ma tund
That child sometimes cuts class - Copilul acela cateodata chiuleste
That paragraph was cut out - Acel paragraf a fost scos
He cut in line in front of me - A intrat in fata mea, peste rand
He was cut off from the will - A fost scos din testament
I'm not cut out to be a hero. - Nu sunt facut sa fiu erou

502. 30.Dare - Dared - Dared - a provoca, a indrazni
I dare you to jump from the tree - Te provoc sa sari din copac
Why would I dare do something as silly as that - De ce as indrazni sa fac ceva atat de necugetat?

503. 31.Deal - Dealt - Dealt - A se ocupa de, a avea de-a face cu, a face afaceri, a imparti carti de joc
He deals with a lot everyday - Se ocupa de multe lucruri zilnic.
As a teacher she deals with many parents - Ca profesoara are de-a face cu multi parinti
He deals in cutlery - El vinde tacamuri

504. 32.Dig - Dug - Dug - A sapa
I want to dig up my garden this spring - Vreau sa imi sap gradina in primavara asta
Don't dig your nails into my arm like that! - Nu-ti mai baga unghiile in bratul meu!
He dug up a treasure!Unbelivable! - A scos din pamant o comoara! Formidabil!

505. 33.Dive - Dived/Dove - Dived
He dived into the crowd - A plonjat in multime
He dived into the ocean waves - A plonjat in valurile oceanului

506. 34.Do - Did - Done - A face
The boy did his homework - Baiatul si-a facut temele
He did the dishes - El a spalat vasele
He always does his duty - El totdeauna isi face datoria
There is still a lot to do - Mai sunt multe de facut
What do you do for a living? - Cu ce te ocupi?
Do your best, leave the rest - Fa totul cat mai bine, nu te deranja de altceva
She does her hair every morning - Isi face parul in fiecare dimineata
He did jail time for car theft - A facut puscarie pentru furt de masini
Do as the teacher says - Fa cum iti spune profesoara
A ham sandwich would do nicely - Un sendvis cu sunca ar merge bine
That should do it - Asta rezolva problema
I could do without this - As trai si fara asta (spus de ceva care te deranjeaza)

507. 35.Draw - Drew - Drawn - A desena, a scoate
He can't draw - El nu poate sa deseneze
I will draw the conclusions - Voi prezenta concluziile.
They still draw water from a fountain - Ei inca scot apa din fantana.
The nurse came to draw blood - Asistenta medicala a venit sa ia sange
If you wear a turban you will draw attention - Daca porti un turban ai sa atragi atentie

508. 36.Dream - Dreamt/Dreamed - Dreamt/Dreamed - A visa
I dream of going to Hawaii - Visez sa merg in Hawaii
Last night, I dreamed I was flying over the moon - Azi noapte am visat ca zburam deasupra lunii.

509. 37.Drink - Drank - Drunk - A bea
I drink a cup of milk in the morning - Dimineata beau un pahar de lapte.
I sat in the forest, and drank in the beauty around me. - Am stat in padure si am absorbit frumusetea din jur.

510. 38.Drive - Drove - Driven - A conduce
He drives a taxi - El conduce un taxi
She'll be driving six white horses - Ea va conduce sase cai albi.
The enemy was driven out of the country - Inamicul a fost izgonit din tara
He drives me crazy - Ma innebuneste
Water drives the turbine - Apa pune in miscare turbina
What are you driving at? - Unde bati?

511. 39.Eat - Ate - Eaten - A manca
I love eating spaghetti and cheese - Im place sa mananc spaghetti cu branza
Rust ate away the pillars of the old bridge - Rugina a mancat stalpii vechiului pod.
What's eating you? - Ce te roade?

512. 40.Fall - Fell - Fallen - A cadea
When the apple fell, Newton discovered gravity - Cand a cazut marul Newton a descoperit gravitatia
London bridge is falling down - Podul Londrei se prabuseste (incetul cu incetul)
Night falls earlier in winter. - Noaptea vine mai devreme iarna
The knight fell in love with the beautiful princess - Cavalerul s-a indragostit de frumoasa printesa
The peasant fell to his knees when the heavenly light shone upon him - Taranul a cazut in genunchi atunci cand lumina divina s-a varsat asupra lui.
My eyes fell on a letter he had on his desk - Ochii mi-au cazut pe o scrisoare de pe biroul lui
When I told him the stock market crashed, his face fell - Cand i-am spus ca bursa a cazut, i-au cazut trasaturile.
When does Easter fall this year? - Cand cade Pastele anul acesta? A lot of rain has fallen this spring. - A plouat mult in primavara asta.
The governement fell - A cazut guvernul
If you don't study you'll fall behind - Daca nu studiezi vei ramane in urma
This cottage is falling apart - Casuta asta se darama (incetul cu incetul)

513. 41.Feed - Fed - Fed - A hrani
I need somebody to feed my chickens, said Sfanta Vineri. - Am nevoie de cineva care sa-mi hraneasca puii, spuse Sfanta Vineri.
This region alone feeds the towns around it. - Aceasta regiune singura hraneste orasekle din jur.

514. 42.Feel - Felt - Felt - A simti
Do you feel the spirit of Christmas in the air? - Simti in aer spritul Craciunului?
I felt my heart sink - Am simtit cum mi-a cazut inima.
I felt her little hand tugging at my skirt - I-am simtit maina mica tragandu-ma de fusta
A blind man sees by feeling with his hands - Cineva orb vede pipaind cu mainile.
I feel for you - Te inteleg, sunt alaturi de tine.

515. 43.Fight - Fought - Fought - A se bate, a se certa
We will fight to the death - Ne vom bate pana la moarte
My neighbors fight all the time - Vecinii mei se cearta tot timpul
He was fighting off a swarm of flies - Usuia de pe el un roi de muste
The child fought back tears - Copilul si-a luptat sa nu planga

516. 44.Find - Found - Found - A gasi
I need to find my cat - Trebuie sa-mi gasesc pisica
Will I ever find happiness? - Voi gasi vreodata fericirea?
I find this story to be far-fetced. - Mi se pare aceasta poveste, exagerata.
Stop finding fault with me! - Nu imi mai tot gasi cusururi!

517. 45.Fit - Fit/Fitted - Fit/Fitted - A potrivi
Can you fit into this dress? - Te incape rochia asta>
I can't fit these shoes into the box. - Nu reusesc sa bag acesti pantofi in cutie.
This fall scenery fits my mood - Aceasta priveliste de toamna se potriveste cu starea mea de spirit

518. 46.Flee - Fled - Fled - A fugi (dar nu a alerga de placere)
They tried to flee the country - Au incercat sa fuga din tara
The robber fled from the house with the police at his heels - Hotul a fugit din casa cu politia dupa el
He fled the scene of the crime - A fugit de la locul crimei.

519. 47.Fling - Flung - Flung - A arunca
He flung himself in a chair - S-a aruncat intr-un scaun.
David flung a stone at Goliath - David a aruncat cu o piatra in Goliath
He flung up his arms in hopelessness - Si-a aruncat bratele in sus in disperare.

520. 48.Fly - Flew - Flown - A zbura
A happy parrot flew high into the sky - Uu papagal fericit s-a inaltat sus in cer.
He flew over the North Pole - A zburat peste Polul Nord
The ship flew the Romanian flag - Vaporul arbora drapelul romanesc.
Splinters were flying everywhere - Aschii zburau peste tot.

521. 49.Forbid - Forbade/Forbad - Forbidden - A interzice
I forbid you to go! - Iti interzic sa te duci
God forbid! - Doamne fereste!

522. 50.Foresee - Foresaw - Foreseen - A prevedea(
He did not foresee that - Nu s-a asteptat la asta
An unforeseen storm hit the Gulf of Mexico. - O furtuna neasteptata a lovit Golful Mexic

523. 51.Foretell - Foretold - Foretold - A prevesti
Nostradamus foretold many future events - Nostradamus a prevesit multe evenimente viitoare

524. 52.Forget - Forgot - Forgotten - A uita
An elephant never forgets - Un elefant nu uita niciodata

525. 53.Forgive - Forgave - Forgiven - A ierta
Forgive me for asking: How old are you? - Iarta-ma ca te intreb: Cati ani ai?
He forgave the burglar - El l-a iertat pe hpt
They say to forgive and forget is a wise idea - Se spune ca a ierta si a uita e o idee inteleapta.

526. 54.Forsake - Forsook - Forsaken - A uita de, a abandona
Someday, this God forsaken land will grow more than weeds. - Intr-o zi, acest pamant uitat de Dumnezeu va creste si altceva in afara de buruieni.

527. 55.Freeze - Froze - Frozen - A ingheta
That lake freezes in the winter - Lacul acela ingheata iarna
He froze in his tracks when he saw the bear - A inlemnit in cale cand a vazut ursul.
My computer froze, it needs rebooted - Computerul nu mai merge, trebuie repornit.
He froze in front of the camera - A inlemnit in fata aparatului de filmat.

528. 56.Get - Got - Got/Gotten - A primi, a intelege
I got a puppy for my friend - Am luat un catelus pentru prietenul meu
I got The Three Musketeers from the library - Am luat "Cei 3 Muschetari" de la biblioteca.
How do you get there? - Cum ajungi acolo?
I don't get it - Nu inteleg
Get a haircut - Tunde-te!
I got off at the wrong station - M-am dat jos la alta statie (decat trebuia)
I got on the next train - M-am suit in urmatorul tren
Everyday I get to school at 8 in the morning - In fiecare zi ajung la scoala la 8 dimineata
I will stay at home because I got the flu - Voi sta acasa fiindca sunt racit
I didn't get your name when we were introduced. - Nu ti-am retinut numele cand am fost prezentati
We've got a little cabin in the mountains - Avem o mica cabana in munti
I hope I got my point across - Sper ca m-am facut inteles
Word got around. - Stirea s-a raspandit
They barely get by - Abia se descurca cu banii
Getting back to the subject - Intorcandu-ne la subiect
Let's get to the subject - Hai sa ajungem la subiect
Let's get down to work - Hai sa ne apucam de treaba. Don't get into trouble - Nu da de vreo belea
Get out of here - Iesi afara de aici!
The whole family got together last week - Intreaga familie s-a adunat saptamana trecuta
We get along well - Ne intelegem bine.
I get up at six - Ma scol la 6.

529. 57.Give - Gave - Given - A da
We gave the waiter a tip - I-am dat chelnerului un bacsis
He gave me a pencil/a car/a house/a drink ... - Mi-a dat un creion/o masina/o casa/o bautura...
Give me an example/your word/a piece of advice... - Mi-a dat un exemplu/cuvantul lui/un sfat...
He gave me a nod - Mi-a facut semn din cap
Give him my best wishes. - Transmite-i toate urarile mele de bine.
He gave his life - Si-a dat viata
He gave out a scream - A tipat
He gave a party - A dat o petrecere
He gives me the creeps - Imi da fiori.(Ma inspaimanta)
A cow gives milk - O vaca da lapte
He gave me a wink - Mi-a facut cu ochiul.
Those doors give onto the garden - Acele usi dau in gradina
He gave me back my binoculars - Mi-a dat inapoi binoclul
He finally gave in to my insistance - In sfarsit a cedat insistentelor mele
The cow gave out a deep Moo - Vaca a scos un Moo adanc
The robber gave himself up - Hotul s-a predat
I gave up looking for buried treasures - Am reuntat sa mai caut comori ingropate

530. 58.Go - Went - Gone - A pleca, a merge, a se duce
I go by bus - Ma duc cu autobuzul
Go away! - Pleaca de aici!
He went on and on about how unfair this is - A vorbit intruna ce nedreapta e situatia
I am going to do this - Voi face acest lucru
He went mad - A innebunit
That book goes there - Cartea aceea merge acolo
Orange and green go well together
It goes without saying - Se subintelege
All these rugs have to go - Toate aceste covoare trebuie sa dispara
How are things going? - Cum merg lucrurile
I go: Whaaat? - Zic: Ceee?
As time goes by I like this house more - Cu trecerea timpului imi place mai mult casa asta.
Can I go in there? - Pot sa intru acolo? Let's go out! - Hai sa iesim!

531. 59.
Grind - Ground - Ground - A macina
Grind the wheat at the mill! - Macina-ti graul la moara!
He would grind his teeth - Scrasnea din dinti

532. 60.Grow - Grew - Grown - A creste
My apple tree is growing nicely - Marul meu creste frumos
The suspense was growing every minute - Suspansul crestea din clipa in clipa
He grows a beard - Isi lasa barba
He grows chickens - Creste pui
The days grow shorter - Zilele se scurteaza
Nights grow longer - Noptile se lungesc. He grew up - S-a facut mare.

533. 61.Hang - Hung/Hanged - Hung/Hanged - A atarna, a spanzura
Hang - Hung - Hung - verb neregulat inseamna a atarna
Hang - Hanged - Hanged - verb regulat inseamna a spanzura

I will hang the painting in the livingroom - Voi atarna tabloul in sufragerie
He will hang at dawn - Va fi spanzurat la rasaritul soarelui.
He hung his head in shame - Si-a lasat capul in jos de rusine
We hung out together in highschool - Ieseam impreuna in liceu.

534. 62.Have - Had - Had - A avea
I have a car - Am o masina
Can I have some mashed potatoes - Pot sa iau niste piure? May I have a look? - Pot sa arunc o privire?
I had a talk with him. - Am avut o discutie cu el.
Let's have a party! - Hai sa dam o petrecere!
I had a good time - M-am distrat bine.
I must have breakfast/lunch etc first - Intai trebuie sa mananc de dimineata/pranz etc.
They have 2 children - Ei au 2 copii
She had a baby. - A nascut.
This has nothing to do with you - Aceasta treaba nu are legatura cu tine.

535. 63.Hear - Heard - Heard - A auzi
Do you hear what I hear? - Auzi ce aud eu?
I heard Mary has a little lamb - Am auzit ca Mary are un mielut.
I won't hear of it! - Nici nu vreau sa aud!
Please, hear me out - Te rog asculta si ce am eu de spus!

536. 64.Hide - Hid - Hidden - A (se) ascunde
The rabbit was hiding from the fox - Iepurele era ascuns de vulpe
Outlaws hid in dark forests - Haiducii se ascundeau in paduri intunecate

537. 65.Hit - Hit - Hit - A (se) lovi
He hit the table with his fist - A lovit cu pumnul in masa
I hit my thumb when hammering a nail - M-am lovit la degul mare pe cand bateam un cui.
The bullet hit the target - Glontul a lovit tinta
The company was hit hard by the recession - Firma a fost greu lovita de recesiune.

538. 66.Hold - Held - Held - A (se) tine
He held the book on his knees - Tinea cartea pe genunchi
He held on to the handrail - S-a tinut de balustrada
He held his breath - Si-a tinut respiratia
Let's see what the future holds. - Sa vedem ce ne rezerva viitorul
He held his tongue - Si-a tinut limba

539. 67.Hurt - Hurt - Hurt - A durea, a se lovi
My head/stomach/arm/tooth etc hurts - Ma doare capul/stomacul/bratul/dintele etc
His words hurt - Cuvintele lui m-au durut
It never hurts to be polite - Niciodata nu strica sa fii politicos.

540. 68.Keep - Kept - Kept - A tine, a pastra
He kept coming back into the store - Se tot intorcea in magazin.
She keeps parrots - Ea creste papagali
Keep the children quiet. - Fa-i pe copii sa taca.
Keep safe on the road - Stai (pastreaza-te) in siguranta pe drum.
Can you keep a secret? - Poti sa tii un secret?
This project will keep him busy - Acest proiect il va tine ocupat
I keep records of all spendings - Tin evidente pentru toate cheltuielile.
Keep your voice down - Vorbeste incet.
Keep up the good work - Continua munca cea buna.
He keeps to himself - E retras.

541. 69.Kneel - Knelt/Kneeled - Knelt/Kneeled - A ingenunchea
He kneeled beside his sick dog - A ingenuncheat langa cainele sau bolnav.

542. 70.Knit - Knit/Knitted - Knit/Knitted
His grandmother would knit beautiful sweaters. - Bunica lui impletea pulovere frumoase.

543. 71.Know - Knew - Known - A sti, a cunoaste.
He knows many poems - El stie multe poezii.
I know you - Te cunosc.
I have known him for a long time. - Il cunosc de multa vreme
You never know what might happen - Niciodata nu stii ce s-ar putea intampla.

544. 72.Lay - Laid - Laid - A pune
He wanted to lay down and rest - Vroia sa se intinda ca sa se odihneasca.
He laid the table - A pus masa
He laid the bedspread upon the bed - A pus cuvertura pe pat.
He laid thick coats of paint. - A dat straturi groase de vopsea.
If he lays a finger on my dog I will sue - Daca face vreun rau cainelui meu il dau in judecata.
My hen lays big eggs. - Gaina mea face oua mari.

545. 73.Lead - Led - Led - A conduce
He led his army to victory - Si-a condus armata la victorie.
The trail led them to the famous cave - Drumul i-a condus la celebra pestera.
He led the way when the children crossed the street. - El i-a condus (a stat in fata lor) cand copiii au traversat strada
He leads an interesting life - El duce o viata interesanta

546. 74.Lean - Leant/Leaned - Leant/Leaned - A se inclina, a se sprijini
The leaning tower of Pisa started to be built in 1172. - Turnul inclinat din Pisa a inceput sa fie construit in 1172.
He leans on me for help - Se sprijina de mine sa il ajut.
He leaned against the wall in pain - S-a sprijinit de perete datorita durerii.

547. 75.Leap - Leapt/Leaped - Leapt/Leaped - A sari (ca o lacusta si in sus)
With the bull right behind him, the man leaped over the wall - Cu taurul in urma lui, barbatul a trecut peste zid dintr-o saritura
He learns by leaps and bounds - Invata in salturi.
He leaped at the chance to go to Tokyo - A actionat imediat pentru sansa de a merge la Tokyo

548. 76.Learn - Learnt/Learned - Learnt/Learned - A invata, a afla
I learned Chinese - Am invatat chinezeste
He learned he was broke - A aflat ca nu mai are nici un ban

549. 77.Leave - Left - Left - A pleca, a lasa
He left in a hurry - A plecat in graba
He left me a note - Mi-a lasat un bilet.
Because he was late, he was left out of the game. - Deoarece a intarziat, a fost omis din meci.
Do your best, leave the rest - Fa totul cat mai bine, lasa restul(alte framantari).
Leave me alone! - Lasa-ma-n pace!
The train leaves at 9. - Trenul pleaca la 9. Anne left Bill - Anne l-a parasit pe Bill.

550. 78.Lend - Lent - Lent - A imprumuta
He lent me a book - Mi-a imprumutat o carte
We are building a house. Can you lend us a hand? - Construim o casa. Poti sa ne ajuti?

551. 79.Let - Let - Let - A lasa
He will let the parrot out of the cage - A lasat papagalul afara din cusca
Let a be greater than b - Fie a mai mare ca b
Let him in. - Lasa-l sa intre
Let us pray - Sa ne rugam.
I can't drive a car, let alone a bus - Nu pot sa conduc o masina, darmite un autobuz
Don't let me down! - Nu ma dezamagi.

552. 80.Lie - Lay - Lain - A sta culcat

A nu se confunda cu to lie care inseamna a minti
Saturday morning, I like to lie in bed - Sambata dimineata imi place sa stau culcat in pat.
You left the book lying on the floor - Ai last cartea pe podea.
Constanta lies on the Black Sea coast -Constanta se afla pe tarmul Marii Negre.
Here lies Mihail Eminescu - Aici, se odihneste Eminescu
If I lay low maybe the bear won't find me - Daca stau pitit poate ca ursul nu ma va gasi.
I laid out a wonderful plan - Am conceput un plan grozav.

553. 81.Light - Lit - Lit - A aprinde
Light a fire! - Fa un foc!
I lit the lamp - Am aptins lampa
Her face lights up when she hears of her home town.
Because of the drought the forest lit up - Datorita secetei padurea a luat foc.

554. 82.Lose - Lost - Lost - A pierde
I lost my wallet - Mi-am pierdut portofelul
He got lost in the city - S-a ratacit in oras.
He lost his job last week. - Si-a pierdut slujba saptamana trecuta.
He loses his temper too easily - Isi pierde cumpatul prea usor.
I must lose weight - Trebuie sa slabesc.

555. 83.Make - Made - Made - A face, a produce
The baby was making a lot of noise - Copilul mic facea mult zgomot.
The carpenter made a table - Tamplarul a facut o masa
He made a mistake in these calculations. - A facut o greseala in aceste calcule
I'm making lunch - Pregatesc pranzul
He made the bed - A facut patul
He made a phone call - A dat un telefon
He barely made it - A ajuns in ultima clipa.
2 and 4 make 6 - 2 si cu 4 fac 6.
He made up with his friend - S-a impacat cu prietenul sau.
He made off with the money - A plecat cu banii.

556. 84.Mean - Meant - Meant - A insemna
What do you mean? - Ce vrei sa spui?
He didn't mean it - N-a vorbit serios (N-a vrut sa te jigneasca).
What does this word mean? - Ce inseamna acest cuvant?
How do you mean to find him? - Cum ai de gand sa-l gasesti.
This means war! - Acest lucru inseamna razboi! (adica acest lucru m-a suparat foarte tare)
Your support means a lot to me - Sprijinul tau are mare importanta pentru mine.

557. 85.Meet - Met - Met - A (se) intalni
Lets meet at 8 - Hai sa ne intalnim la 8.
He did not meet all the required conditions - El nu indeplinea toate conditiile cerute.
Our project met the committee's approval. - Proiectul nostru a primit (a intalnit) aprobarea comitetului.
The horizon is an illusion. Land never meets sky. - Orizontul e o iluzie. Pamantul nu intalneste cerul niciodata

558. 86.Melt - Melted - Molten/Melted - A (se) topi

Dupa cum se vede, numai Molten e o forma neregulata

The snowman melted. - Omul de zapada s-a topit.
Molten lava - lava topita
Molten iron - fier topit

559. 87.Mistake - Mistook - Mistaken - A lua ceva drept altceva

A nu confunda cu substantivul mistake.
A mistake inseamna o greseala
Insa a gresi = to make a mistake

Se foloseste cu for
Oh I'm sorry. I mistook you for somebody else - O, iarta-ma te-am luat drept altcineva
I mistook him for a beggar - Am crezut ca e cersetor

560. 88.Mow - Mowed - Mown - A tunde iarba
I have to mow the lawn - Trebuie sa tund gazonul

561. 89.Pay - Paid - Paid - A plati
Wait till I go pay - Asteapta pana ma duc sa platesc.
I paid a lot for the car. - Am dat mult pe masina
It pays good interest. - Da dobanda buna.
It pays to work hard - Da rezultate munca grea.
Can you pay off your debts? - Poti sa iti platesti datoriile?

562. 90.Prove - Proved - Proven/Proved - A (se) dovedi, a demonstra

Forma proved se foloseste ca verb, forma proven ca adjectiv.

I have proved this, so now it is a proven fact - Am dovedit aceasta asa ca acum e un fapt dovedit
The party proved to be a succes - Petrecerea s-a dovedit a fi de succes.
I proved this theorem - Am demonstrat aceasta teorema

563. 91.Put - Put - Put - A pune
Put that book back where it belongs - Pune cartea inapoi unde-i e locul
I have to put my coat on - Trebuie sa pun haina pe mine.
Can I put(sau ask) a question? - Pot sa pun o intrebare?
' Bluntly put, my answer is NO - Pe scurt (pus scurt) raspunsul meu e nu.
Stop putting this off! - Nu mai amana!
Put out that fire first, it's dangerous - Intai stinge focul acela, e periculos.
I am finished putting up with him! - Am terminat sa il mai rabd!

564. 92.Quit - Quit - Quit - A-si da demisia, a renunta
I quit my job - Mi-am dat demisia
I quit smoking - Am renuntat la fumat.

565. 93.Read - Read - Read - A citi
I learned to read at 5 - Am invatat sa citesc la 5 ani.
You read my mind - Mi-ai citit gandurile
I wouldn't read to much into that - Eu n-as interpreta asta ca insemnand prea mult.
The ammeter reads 10 amps - Ampermetrul indica 10 amperi.
Read out the rules - Citeste cu voce tare regulile
I need to read up on my history - Trebuie sa-mi improspatez cunostintele de istorie.

566. 94.Rid - Rid/Ridded - Rid/Ridded - A scapa de
The candidate promised to rid the city of stray dogs. - Candidatul a promis sa scape cainele de caini vagabonzi.
He's rid of his debts - A scapat de datorii.

567. 95.Ride - Rode - Ridden - A calari, a merge cu un mijloc de transport
He rode away into the sunset - A calarit pierzandu-se in lumina apusului de soare.
She rides a tan horse - Ea calareste un cal bej.
He rides the bus to work - Merge cu autobuzul la serviciu.
She loves riding a bike - Ei ii place sa mearga pe bicicleta.

568. 96.Ring - Rang - Rung - A suna
Ring me up! - Suna-ma!
What he says rings true - Ce spune el suna adevarat.
The doorbell is ringing - E cineva la usa (Soneria suna)
The classroom rang with laughter - Clasa a rasunat de rasete

569. 97.Rise - Rose - Risen - A se ridica

To rise e numai a se ridica
To raise (verb regulat) e a ridica

The sun rises in the east - Soarele se ridica in est.
Hot air balloons were rising in the sky during the festivities - Baloanele cu aer cald se ridicau pe cer in timpul festivitatilor.
Inflation causes prices to rise - Inflatia face ca preturile sa creasca.
The preacher's voice rose till it sounded like thunder - Vocea predicatorului a crescut pana a devenit ca un tunet.
I saw a thin column of smoke rising in the distance - Am vazut o coloana subtire de fum ridicandu-se in departare.
He rose from his seat with difficulty - S-a sculat de pe scaun cu dificultate.
The city of Warsaw rose from the ashes after WW2 - Orasul Varsovia s-a ridicat din cenusa dupa razboi.

570. 98.Run - Ran - Run - A alerga, a merge (despre aparate), a conduce, a candida
He ran the whole marathon - A alergat intreg maratonul
He wants to run for president - Vrea sa candideze la presedentie.
The TV runs all day - Televizorul sta aprins toata ziua.
The rehearsal ran from 3pm to 8pm. - Repetitia a tinut de la 3 la 8 dupa masa.
The scientist was running a six month experiment
- Savantul desfasura un experiment cu durata de sase luni.
It seems you've run out of luck, we have no more umbrellas - Se pare ca te-a lasat norocul, nu mai avem umbrele.

571. 99.Saw - Sawed - Sawn/Sawed - A taia cu fierastraul
I always saw off the Christmas tree branches before getting rid of it - Totdeauna tai ramurile la brad inainte sa ma descotorosesc de el.

572. 100. Say - Said - Said - A spune
Say something! - Zi ceva!
"I made a mistake!" "I'll say" - "Am gresit!" "Si inca cum"
Let's say it's so - Sa spunem ca asa e.
He said goodye and rode off. - Si-a luat ramas bun si a plecat pe cal.

573. 101.See - Saw - Seen - A vedea, a intelege
I see an eagle in the sky - Vad un vultur pe cer
I see what your saying. - Inteleg ce spui.
I see her as the leader - O vad pe ea in postul de conducator
Please see what they want - Te rog vezi ce vor.
He is seeing somebody - Se vede cu cineva
The doctor will see you now - Poti intra in cabinetul doctorului.
See that they do it right - Vezi sa faca treaba bine.
He had to see the ruins for himself - A trebuit sa vada ruinele cu ochii lui.
Please see the guests to the door - Te rog condu-i pe musafiri.

574. 102.Seek - Sought - Sought - A cauta
I'll go seek help - Ma duc sa caut ajutor
He is seeking employment - Cauta o slujba.

575. 103.Sell - Sold - Sold - A (se) vinde
I want to sell the house - Vreau sa vand casa
Apples don't sell so well anymore - Merele nu se mai vand asa de bine.
He was sold on the idea of a rooftop garden - I-a placut ideea unei gradini pe acoperis.

576. 104.Send - Sent - Sent - A trimite
He sent me a letter - Mi-a trimis o scrisoare
They sent the children to boarding school - Au trimis copiii la internat
The football player sent the ball out of the field - Jucatorul de fotbal a trimis mingea in afara terenului.
I was sent for, wasn't I? - Am fost chemat(a), nu?

577. 105.Set - Set - Set - A aseza, a aranja
He set the statuette on the table - A pus statueta pe masa
He set the house on fire - A dat foc la casa
I set the alarm clock at 8 - Am pus ceasul sa sune la 8
He must set the table by 6 - Trebuie sa puna masa pana in ora 6.
It's all set - Totu-i aranjat.
You must set a good example for your little sister - Trebuie sa fii un model pentru sora ta mai mica.
The sun sets at 8. - Soarele apune la 8.
Set apart the clothes you will need - Aseaza deoparte hainele de care vei avea nevoie.
Let me set forth my ideas - Lasa-ma sa-ti prezint ideile mele.
His smoking set off the fire detector - Fumatul lui a pornit detectorul de incendii.
I set up shop in town - Mi-am ridicat un magazin in oras.

578. 106.Sew - Sewed - Sewn/Sewed - A coase
He is sewing the hem of his pants - El isi coase tivul la pantaloni.

579. 107.Shake - Shook - Shaken - A tremura, a scutura

To shiver with cold - A tremura de frig.
The hunter started shaking when he saw the lion. - Vanatorul a inceput sa tremure cand a vazut leul.
The night the earth shook - Noaptea cand pamantul s-a zguduit.
To shake hands - A da mana.
She shook the tambourine and the music played - Ea scutura tamburina iar muzica rasuna.
We shook hands on it - Ne-am inteles

580. 108.Shave - Shaved - Shaven/Shaved - A (se) rade
He shaved his mustache this morning - Si-a ras mustata in dimineata asta.
He shaved the wood carefully - A dat cu atentie lemnul la rindea.

581. 109.Shed - Shed - Shed - A pierde (par, kilograme, lacrimi etc)

A pierde ceva e to lose
He shed tears in silence - Plangea in liniste
What you said shed some light on this mystery. - Ceea ce mi-ai spus a aruncat putina lumina asupra acestui mister.
The oaktree has shed its leaves. - Stejarul s-a lepadat de frunze.
My dog's hair is shedding - Cainelui meu ii cade par din blana.

582. 110.Shine - Shone - Shone - A straluci
Moonlight shone on the forest path - Lumina lunii stralucea pe cararea din padure
The happiness that shone in his eyes said it all - Bucuria care-i stralucea in ochi era graitoare.

583. 111.Shoe - Shod - Shod - A (se) incalta

Uzual pentru a se incalta e to put on one's shoes
Astazi se foloseste aproape numai cand vorbim de cai.
Who will shoe your pretty little feet? - Cine-ti va incalta piciorusele?
He shoes horses - E potcovar

584. 112.Shoot - Shot - Shot - A impusca
I shot the sheriff - L-am impuscat pe serif.
Peter shot an angry look at him - Peter i-a aruncat o privire suparata.
Water shot out of the pipe - A tasnit apa din teava.
Pain shot through my arm - O durere m-a sagetat in brat

585. 113.Show - Showed - Shown - A arata
He showed me his stamp collection - Mi-a aratat colectia lui de timbre.
He showed them to the door. - I-a condus la usa.
What's showing at the movies this week? - Ce film ruleaza saptamana asta?
You didn't show up for rehearsal. - Nu ai venit la repetitii.

586. 114.Shrink - Shrank - Shrunk - A se micsora
People shrink with age - Cu varsta, oamenii scad in inaltime
I want to shrink this photo, and keep it in my purse - Vreau sa micsorez aceasta fotografie si sa o tin in poseta.
The lake shrank because of the draught - Lacul s-a micsorat datorita secetei.

587. 115.Shut - Shut - Shut - A inchide
Shut up! - Taci din gura!
Please, shut the door! - Te rog, inchide usa!
The electricity is shut off. - Curentul e oprit.
The health inspectors shut down the store - Inspectorii de sanatate au inchis magazinul
They shut off the radioactive plant - Au inchis (si au izolat) uzina radioactiva.

588. 116.Sing - Sang - Sung - A canta
She sings in the choir - Ea canta in cor
Let's sing a song - Hai sa cantam un cantec
Happy birds are singing in the sky - Pasari fericite canta in cer.

589. 117.Sink - Sank - Sunk - A (se) scufunda
The battleship has been sunk! - Nava de razboi a fost scufundata!
His heart sank at the news - I s-a prabusit inima la aflarea vestii.
His words finally sank in - Cuvintele lui au capatat in sfarsit inteles.
Sink or swim - Sau inoti sau te scufunzi.

590. 118.Sit - Sat - Sat - A sta jos
Don't sit on the floor, pull up a chair. - Nu sta pe jos, trage-ti un scaun.
My parrot sits on my shoulder - Papagalul imi sta pe umar
Their house sits in a green valley - Casa lor se afla intr-o vale verde.
Little Miss Muffet sat on a tuffet - Mica Miss Muffet sta pe un delusor
That doesn't sit well with me - Nu imi cade bine asta
That stadium sits 30,000 people - Stadionul acela are 30.000 de locuri.
Sit still! - Stai locului!

591. 119.Slay - Slew - Slain - A ucide
Ceasar was slain by his political adversaries - Cezar a fost ucis de adversarii sai politici

592. 120.Sleep - Slept - Slept - A dormi
I usually sleep until seven - Deobicei dorm pana la 7.
I slept like a log - Am dormit bustean.

593. 121.Slide - Slid - Slid - A aluneca

Pentru a aluneca din greseala e mai uzual to slip
A slide = Un tobogan
Children on a sled slid past - Copiii pe sanie au trecut in zbor
He slid on the ice and broke his arm. - A alunecat pe gheata si si-a rupt mana
Let it slide! - Las-o moarta! Treaca!
He slid the stolen watch into his pocket - Si-a bagat ceasul furat in buzunar.

594. 122.Slit - Slit - Slit - A taia cu o lama (nu cu un foarfece)

Cuvantul uzual pentru a taia e to cut
He got life in prison for slitting his neighbor's throat - A primit inchisoare pe viata pentru ca a taiat gatul vecinului sau.

595. 123.Smell - Smelt/Smelled - Smelt/Smelled - A mirosi
We must all stop sometimes and smell the roses - Toti trebuie sa ne oprim cateodata si sa mirosim trandafirii.
Throw away this cheese, it smells. - Arunca branza asta, miroase.

596. 124.Speak - Spoke - Spoken - A vorbi
She spoke at the gathering - A vorbit la adunare
They are not on speaking terms - Nu isi vorbesc
I speak in their name - Vorbesc in numele lor
Do you speak English? - Vorbesti engleza?
Speak out, don't be afraid! - Vorbeste cu curaj, nu-ti fie frica!
Speak up, we can't hear you - Vorbeste mai tare, nu te-auzim!
Speaking of pets, how's Fifi? - Apropo de animale de companie, Fifi ce mai face?

597. 125.Speed - Sped/Speeded - Sped/Speeded - A merge cu viteza, a accelera
Speed up! Step on it! - Grabeste-te! Calca acceleratia!
Cars sped by - Masinile treceau in viteza

598. 126.Spell - Spelt/Spelled - Spelt/Spelled - A spune un cuvant pe litere
Spell out your name, please - Spune-ti numele pe litere te rog.
This could spell the end of the European Union - Acest lucru ar putea marca sfarsitul Uniunii Europene.

599. 127.Spend - Spent - Spent - A cheltui
You spend to much! - Cheltuiesti prea mult!
How much time do you spend with your family? - Cat timp petreci cu familia?
Where will you spend your vacation? - Unde iti vei petrece vacanta?

600. 128.Spill - Spilt/Spilled - Spilt/Spilled - A varsa
I spilled some juice on my blouse. - Mi-am varsat niste suc pe bluza.
The beads spilt onto the floor - Margelele s-au imprastiat pe podea.

601. 129.Spin - Span/Spun - Spun - A se invarti (ca un titirez), a toarce
My great grandmother could spin very well. We still have her spinning wheel - Strabunica mea torcea foarte bine. Inca avem masina ei de tors.
We play football with our fingers, by spinning coins. - Jucam fotbal cu degetele, invartind monezi.
She spins wonderful stories - Ea spune niste povesti minunate.
My head is spinning - Ma simt ametit (mi se invarte capul)

602. 130.Spit - Spat/Spit - Spat/Spit - A scuipa
Stop spitting out the medicine! - Nu mai scuipa medicamentele!
He is constantly spitting out insults - El tot timpul arunca (scuipa) insulte.

603. 131.Split - Split - Split - A taia, a imparti
Will you please split the watermelon in two? - Vrei te rog sa tai pepenele in doua?
I will split the cake equally - Voi imparti tortul in mod egal.

604. 132.Spoil - Spoilt/Spoiled - Spoilt/Spoiled - A alinta, a se strica
You spoil that child too much! - Alinti copilul prea mult.
The milk has spoilt - Laptele s-a stricat

605. 133.Spread - Spread - Spread - A (se) intinde
Would you like to spread butter on your toast? - Ti-ar place sa intinzi unt pe painea prajita?
Please spread out the tablecloth - Te rog intinde fata de masa.
The news spread fast - Vestea s-a raspandit repede.
Take a picture when the eagle spreads its wings. - Fa o poza cand vulturul isi intinde aripile.

606. 134.Spring - Sprang - Sprung - A sari (din ghemuit, ca un arc)
The tiger sprang from the bushes - Tigrul a sarit din tufisuri.
Small stores are springing up everywhere - Magazine mici apar (ca din senin) peste tot.
She has a spring to her step lately - Se simte o vioiciune deosebita (o bucurie) in mersul ei in ultima vreme.
An idea sprang into my mind. - Mi-a venit o idee in minte.

607. 135.Stand - Stood - Stood - A sta in picioare
Stand still! - Nu te misca!
All the seats on the bus were taken, so I stood the whole time. - Toate locurile din autobuz erau luate asa ca am stat in picioare tot timpul.
The old house is still standing - Vechea casa inca mai exista
Does the agreement still stand? - Mai e valabila intelegerea?
His paintings stood the test of time - Picturile lui au rezistat trecerii timpului, sunt inca celebre.
I can't stand math - Nu suport matematica.
They stood by me in tough times - Ei m-au sustinut in vremuri grele.
I stand for Women's Rights - Sustin drepturile femeilor.
The republic for which it stands - Republica pe care o reprezinta.
A flamingo stands on one leg - Un flamingo sta intr-un picior.
Please stand up! - Va rog sculati-va in picioare.

608. 136.Steal - Stole - Stolen - A fura
He stole my wallet - Mi-a furat portofelul!
He stole the show - A fost de departe cel mai bun numar din spectacol.
He stole a glance - S-a uitat pe furis

609. 137.Stick - Stuck - Stuck - A lipi, a infige
He stuck a pin into the pin cushion - A infipt un bold in perna de ace.
I am stuck in this boring job - Sunt prins in aceasta slujba plicticoasa.
The door is stuck - Usa e intepenita.
Let's stick together! - Hai sa ramanem uniti!
I will stick a note on his door - Ii voi lasa un biletel la usa.

610. 138.Sting - Stung - Stung - A intepa
I once was stung by a bee - Am fost odata muscat de o viespe.
The smoke made my eyes sting - Fumul facea sa ma intepe ochii.
A stinging remark - O remarca usturatoare.

611. 139.Stink - Stank - Stunk - A mirosi urat
Flowers in vases can end up stinking - Florile din vaze pot in cele din urma sa puta.
This deal stinks - Aceasta intelegere imi displace profund (pute)

612. 140.Stride - Strode/Strided - Stridden - A merge cu pasi lungi si vigurosi

A merge se zice to walk
He was striding to the airport terminal - Mergea la termnalul aeroportului.

613. 141.Strike - Struck - Struck/Stricken - A lovi
The bullet struck him in the arm - Glontul l-a lovit in brat
He strikes me as a kind person - Mi se pare o persoana de treaba
The clock struck midnight - Ceasul a batut miezul noptii.
To strike a bell - A bate clopotul
The speaker struck a chord in many. - Vorbitorul a atins o coarda sensibila in multi ascultatori.
In the Middle Ages many were struck down by the plague. - In Evul Mediu multi erau loviti de ciuma.

614. 142.String - Strung - Strung - A insira

String e fir. Multe actiuni legate de fire se traduc prin to string.
I have to string my guitar - Trebuie sa-mi acordez chitara
They strung an electrical wire across the street. - Au intins un cablu electric de-a lungul drumului.
I have to string these beads back. - Trebuie sa pun margelele acestea inapoi pe sforicica.

615. 143.Strive - Strove - Striven - A se zbate (in sens pozitiv), a depune un mare efort
I strive to be the best teacher - Ma lupt sa fiu cea mai buna profesor.
Strive to reach the stars - Zbate-te sa ajungi la stele.

616. 144.Swear - Swore - Sworn - A jura, a injura
I swear allegiance to my country, Romania. - Jur credinta tarii mele, Romania
I swear I didn't eat the cake - Jur ca n-am mancat tortul
He was swearing and cursing everyone around - Ii injura si ii blestema pe toti cei din jur.
Don't swear at him! - Nu il mai injura!

617. 145.Sweat - Sweat/Sweated - Sweat/Sweated - A transpira
I sweat bullets when I work out - Transpir din greu (gloante) cand ma antrenez.

618. 146.Sweep - Swept/Sweeped - Swept/Sweeped - A matura
Let me sweep the kitchen - Lasa-ma sa matur in bucatarie
The flood waters swept away everything in their path.- Inundatia a maturat totul din calea ei.
The hills sweep down to the sea. - Dealurile coboara pana la mare.

619. 147.Swell - Swelled - Swollen - A se umfla
The river is swelling - Raul se umfla
Your face is swollen - Ai fata umflata

620. 148.Swim - Swam - Swum - A inota
I swam 50 laps - Am inotat 50 de lungimi de bazin.
I dream of swimming in money someday - Visez ca intr-o zi sa inot in bani

621. 149.Swing - Swung - Swung - A (se) legana
The monkey was swinging from its tail - Maimuta se legana atarnata de coada.
He doesn't swing his arms when walking - Nu isi leagana bratele cand merge.
He came swinging down the road, whistling a tune - Venea vesel pe drum fluierandu o melodie

622. 150.Take - Took - Taken - A lua
Did you take your medicine today? - Ti-ai luat azi doctoriile?
Take a bus to school - Du-te cu autobuzul la scoala
His reactions always take me by surprise - Reactiile lui totdeauna ma iau prin surprindere.
He took her hand in marriage - El s-a insurat cu ea. (i-a luat mana in casatorie)
He took a seat - A luat loc
Take a picture - Fa o poza
Take your time - Nu te grabi
Take comfort in your daughter - Gaseste-ti consolarea in fata ta.
Take a left turn and you are there - Ia-o la stanga si ai ajuns.
You should take your temperature - Ar trebui sa-ti iei temperatura
Take a walk - Du-te la plimbare
Take a break - Fa o pauza.
Take down the curtains - Da jos perdelele
Take off your coat - Scoate-ti haina
Can you please take out this splinter? - Poti te rog sa-mi scoti aceasta aschie?
He took off - A plecat in graba
As I take it, he's not coming home - Dupa cate inteleg eu, el nu va veni acasa.

623. 151.Teach - Taught - Taught - A invata pe altii
Can you teach me English? - Ma poti invata engleza?
He taught History all his life. - Toata viata el a predat istoria.

624. 152.Tear - Tore - Torn - A rupe
The nail tore a hole in my sock - Cuiul mi-a facut o gaura in ciorap
After reading that article he tore the newspaper to pieces - Dupa ce a citit articlul a rupt ziarul in bucati
They will tear down this building - Vor demola aceasta cladire.
A country torn by rival political parties - O tara sfasiata de partide politice rivale.
The dog tore into the food - Cainele s-a repezit la mancare

625. 153.Tell - Told - Told - A spune (cu sensul de a povesti)
Tell us a story! - Spune-ne o poveste!
Tell me what happened - Spune-mi ce s-a intamplat
Tell me about the trip - Povesteste-mi despre excursie.
I'll tell you a secret - Iti spun un secret
Could you tell if he was lying? - Iti dadeai seama daca minte?
I can't tell who's coming, it's too dark. - Nu-mi dau seama cine vine, e prea intuneric.

626. 154.Think - Thought - Thought - A gandi, a crede
I thought about what you said - M-am gandit la ce ai spus.
I think you are right - Cred ca ai dreptate
He thinks he is smart. - Se crede destept.
What do you think your doing? - Ce faci? (Ce iti inchipui ca faci?) - Ce te-a apucat?
I am thinking about you - Ma gandesc la tine.

627. 155.Thrive - Throve/Thrived - Thriven/Thrived - A merge infloritor, a prospera
That plant thrives in the shade - Plantei aceea ii merge infloritor la umbra.
My business is thriving - Afacerii mele ii merge infloritor

628. 156.Throw - Threw - Thrown - A arunca
My dog wanted me to throw the ball - Catelul meu vroia sa arunc mingea.
He threw me a glance - Mi-a aruncat o privire
He threw away the left-overs. - A aruncat mancarea ramasa
He threw out the garbage - A dus gunoiul (l-a scos din casa)
He threw up - A vomitat

629. 157.Thrust - Thrust - Thrust - A vari
He thrust his hands into his pockets - Si-a varat mainile in buzunar.
He thrut his sword into the enemy - Si-a varat sabia in dusman

630. 158.Tread - Trod - Trodden - A merge cu pasi grei peste ceva
He tread through the forest with heavy feet and a heavy heart - Mergea prin padure cu picioare grele si cu inima la fel.

631. 159.Understand - Understood - Understood - A intelege
I understand your point of view - Iti inteleg punctul de vedere
I don't uderstand this theorem - Nu inteleg aceasta teorema
I understand this is unexpected. - Inteleg ca e ceva neasteptat

632. 160.Upset - Upset - Upset - A necaji, a supara, a rasturna
He upset the vase and it broke - A rasturnat vaza care s-a spart.
Stop upsetting your brother - Nu-l mai necaji pe fratele tau
Why is he so upset? - De ce e el atat de suparat?

633. 161.Wake - Woke - Woken - A trezi
Wake me up in an hour - Scoala-ma peste-un ceas
That moment was for me a wake up call - Momentul acela a fost pentru mine unul de trezire.
Romanian, wake up from the sleep of death - Desteapta-te romane din somnul cel de moarte

634. 162.Wear - Wore - Worn - A purta
On her head she wore a yellow ribbon - Purta pe cap o funda galbena
Wear a coat it's freezing outside - Poarta o haina e foarte frig afara
He wears glasses - El poarta ochelari
I will wait until the alcohol has worn off - Am sa astept pana se duce efectul alcoolului.
Children can wear you out - Copiii te pot epuiza
My car is so worn down I am afraid to drive it sometimes - Masina mea e atat de uzata incat uneori mie frica sa o conduc

635. 163.Weave - Wove - Woven - A tese, a impleti

A impleti par - to plait hair.
She weaves rugs - Ea tese covoare
He weaves baskets - El impleteste cosuri
The writer wove his memories into the plot - Scriitorul a intercalat amintirile proprii in poveste

636. 164.Wed - Wed/Wedded - Wed/Wedded - A (se) casatori
I wed when I was 20. - M-am casatorit la 20 de ani.
I wed David - M-am casatorit cu David.
We need a minister to wed us. - Ne trebuie un preot care sa ne casatoreasca.

637. 165.Weep - Wept - Wept - A plange amar
They wept when they remembered all their freinds killed in the war - Au plans cand si-au amintit de toti prietenii lor morti in razboi.

638. 166.Wet - Wet/Wetted - Wet/Wetted - A umezi
Wet the sponge, please. - Umezeste te rog buretele
He still wets the bed at night, although he is 9 - Inca mai uda noaptea patul desi are noua ani.

639. 167.Win - Won - Won - A castiga
She won the competition - A castigat concursul.
Her speech won over many listners - Discursul ei a castigat pe multi ascultatori.

640. 168.Wind - Wound - Wound - A (se) incolaci
I have to wind my watch - Trebuie sa imi intorc ceasul.
Where does this path that winds up the mountain take me? - Unde ma duce aceasta carare ce serpuieste in sus pe munte?
You'll wind up in a bear's cave. - Ai sa nimeresti intr-o pestera de urs.

641. 169.Wring - Wrung - Wrung - A stoarce

A nu se confunda cu to ring (care se citeste la fel) - a suna.
He was wringing his hands in dispair - El isi frangea mainile de disperare
The washing machine will wring out the water. - Maina de spalat va stoarce apa.

642. 170.Write - Wrote - Written - A scrie
He writes poems - El scrie poezii.
Let me write you a check - Sa-ti completez un cec.
He wrote to us that he would come visit - Ne-a scris ca va veni sa ne viziteze
Write down what I'm about to tell you - Scrie ce am de gand sa-ti spun.