Exista ca si romaneste cuvinte specifice pentru intrebari pentru care
regulile de formare a interogatiei se schimba
Acest lucru e adevarat numai daca aceste cuvinte formeaza subiectul propozitiei.
In acest caz aceste cuvine reprezinta interogatia si nu e nevoie de alt mod de formare a interogatiei.
Who - Cine
What - Ce
Where - Unde
When - Cand
How - Cum
How - Cat
Which - Care
425. Who - Cine
Who are you? - Cine esti?
Who won the race? - Cine a castigat cursa? (Raspuns: X won the race - deci who e subiectul)
Who do you think won? - Tu cine crezi ca a castigat? Aici do you think e intercalat in propozitia Who
426. What - Ce
What is this? - Ce e asta?
What is your name - Cum te cheama?(Ce nume ai?)
What happened? - Ce s-a intamplat?
What did you say? (aici subiectul e you - Ce ai spus (tu)?
What time do they open? - La ce ora deschid? (aici subiectul e they - Cine deschid - ei)?
What is the king like? - Cum este regele (Ca ce este regele)?
What do you think? - Ce crezi?
What...like? - Cum...este?
What was it like - Cum a fost?
What is the weather like in Katmandu? - Cum e vremea in Katmandu?
427. Where - Unde
Where do you live? - Unde locuiesti?
Where is it? - Unde este asta?
Where is Djibouti? - Unde e Djibouti?
Where are you going? - Unde te duci?
Where did you go on vacation? - Unde ai fost in vacanta?
428. When - Cand
When was that? - Cand a fost asta?
When was World Wae 2? - Cand a fost Al Doilea Razboi Mondial?
When will they be here? - Cand sosesc?
When will the universe die out? - Cand va muri universul?
429. How - Cum
How are you? - Ce mai faci?
How is granny? - Ce mai face (Cum e) bunica?
How about that? - Ce zici de asta?
How did you do that? - Cum ai facut?
How do you get there? - Cum ai ajuns acolo?
How do I look? - Cum arat?
430. How - Cat
How much is it? - Cat costa?
How often do you go to the movies? - Cat de des mergi la film?
How hot is it? - Cat de cald e?
How cold is it? - Cat e de frig (de rece)?
How long is it? - Cat de lung e?
How short is it? - Cat e de scurt?
How big is it? - Cat e de mare?
How small is it? - Cat e de mic?
How far away is it? - Cat e de departe?
How close is it? - Cat e de aproape?
How old is he? - Cati ani are?
How fat is he? - Cat e de gras?
How thin is he? - Cat e de slab?
How tall is he? - Cat e de inalt?
How short is he? - Cat e de scund?
431. Observatie:
Daca vroiam sa zicem: Cat e de gras! nu mai era intrebare, si ziceam How fat he is!
How fat he is! - Cat e de gras!
How thin he is! - Cat e de slab!
How tall he is! - Cat e de inalt!
How short he is! - Cat e de scund!
432. Which - Care
Which one is better? - Care e mai bun?
Which should I choose? - Pe care sa il aleg?
Which is yours? - Care e al tau?
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