marți, 24 martie 2015


192. 1 - 10

One - 1
Two - 2
Three - 3
Four - 4
Five - 5
Six - 6
Seven - 7
Eight - 8
Nine - 9
Ten - 10

A week has seven days - O saptamana are sapte zile
I will be there in ten minutes - Ajung in 10 minute

193. 11 - 20

Eleven - 11
Twelve - 12
Thirteen - 13
Fourteen - 14
Fifteen - 15
Sixteen - 16
Seventeen - 17
Eighteen - 18
Nineteen - 19
Twenty -20
A teenager is somebody between thirteen and nineteen (years of age) - Un adolescent e cineva intre 13 si 19 ani.
There are twelve months in a year - Sunt 12 luni intr-un an.

194. 20 - 100
Twenty - 20
Thirty - 30
Forty - 40
Fifty - 50
Sixty - 60
Seventy - 70
Eighty - 80
Ninety - 90
There are sixty minutes in an hour - Sunt 60 de minute intr-o ora

195. 21
Twenty-one - Douazeci si unu
In engleza moderna nu se zice si la nici un numar pana la 99 inclusiv.
In engleza arhaica puteti auzi one and twenty etc
Four and twenty blackbirds baked in a pie - 24 de mierle coapte in placinta
Twenty-one is the legal age for drinking in the US. - 21 de ani e varsta legala pentru baut alcool in SUA.
There are twenty-four hours in a day. - Sunt 24 de ore pe zi
There are seven days in a week - Sunt sapte zile intr-o saptamana
There are fifty-two weeks in a year - Sunt 52 de saptamani intr-un an.
There are a hundred years in a century - Sunt 100 de ani intr-un secol.

196. 101 - 110
one hundred and one - 101
one hundred one - 101
la fel orice numar intre un multiplu de 100 si multiplul respectiv plus 10 poate primi and. Exemplu:
406 - four hundred and six
four hundred six.
356 - three hundred fifty six
One hundred and one dalmatians - O suta unu dalmatieni
Stefan cel Mare died five hundred eight years ago, in 1504. - Stefan cel Mare a murit acum 508 ani in 1504.
This year has three hundred fifty seven days - Anul acesta are 357 zile.

197. a thousand - o mie
ten thousand - 10.000
a hundred thousand - o suta de mii
a million - 1.000.000
a billion - un miliard
A thousand and one nights - O mie si una de nopti
That village has a population of two thousand three hundred seventeen people - Acel sat are o populatie de 2317 locuitori

198. Alta citire pentru mii
se zice mai mult:
2530 - twenty five hundred thirty
si nu
2510 - two thousand five hundred thirty
Columbus sailed the ocean blue
In fourteen hundred ninety two.

Columb a navigat peste intinderea oceanului
In 1492

199. 2012
Mai ales la ani, se zice mai simplu
2012 - twenty twelve
1945 - nineteen forty-five
Bineinteles ca si in engleza anii se scriu tot cu cifre, aici de fapt va arat cum se citesc acesti ani.

In eighteen seventy-seven Romania won its independence - In 1877 Romania si-a castigat independenta
In nineteen fourty-four the war ended in Europe - In 1944 s-a terminat razboiul in Europa.

200. Pentru a zice de ordinul sutelor, miilor
Se zice:
In the hundreds, in the thousands.
People came in the thousands to the concert - Oamenii au venit cu miile la concert

201. 1,64 = 1.64 De remarcat ca in engleza acolo unde noi punem ',' pentru zecimale, ei pun punct si unde noi punem '.' la mii ei pun virgula
1, 64 in romaneste = 1.64 in englezeste
5.279 in romaneste = 5,279 in englezeste
5.237.754 -> 5,237,754

202. The 20's - Anii 20
The twenties - anii 20.
The 40s were hard on everybody - Anii 40 au fost grei pentru toata lumea.

203. in his thirties
Am douazeci si ceva de ani - I'm in my twenties
She is in her nineties but she still jogs - Ea are 90 si ceva de ani dar inca face jogging

204. 1-10
first - prima
second - a doua
third - a treia
fourth - a patra
fifth - a cicea
sixth - a sasea
seventh - a saptea
eigth - a opta
ninth - a noua
tenth - a zecea
He came in first! - A terminat primul!
He finished the race in fourth place - A terminat cursa pe locul al patrulea.

205. 11 - 20 si peste
Se adauga th
eleventh - al 11-lea
twelfth - al 12-lea
thirteeth - al 13-lea
fourteenth - al 14-lea
fifteenth - al 15-lea
sixteenth - al 16-lea
seventeenth - al 17-lea
eighteenth - al 18-lea
nineteeth - al 19-lea
Avem regula ca la numeralele terminate in y, acesta se transforma in i
sixty - sixtieth
Acestea se scriu prescurtat: 11th, 12th, 354th etc
Eminescu lived in the nineteenth century - Eminescu a trait in secolul 19.
What country is number forty-eighth globally in oil production? Romania. - Ce tara e pe locul 48 in lume la productia de petrol? Romania

206. Two thirds - Doua treimi
Fractiile in engleza se exprima cu numerale cardinale si ordinale
Numaratorul e numeral cardinal
Numitorul e ordinal
Half - jumatate
A quarter - Un sfert
In engleza americana 0,3 se citeste O point three.
Zero se citeste in engleza ca zero sau O (litera o)
I ate one third of the pie - Am mancat o treime din placinta
Two fifths of the project is done - 2/5 din proiect este terminat

207. A tenth - A zecea parte
A hundredth - A suta parte
Se foloseste un numeral ordinal dar cu articolul nehotarat a
A milimeter is a thousandth of a meter and a tenth of a centimter - Un milimetru e a mia parte dintr-un metru si a zecea parte dintr-un centimetru

208. What day is today - Ce zi e azi?
In engleza americana luna se scrie inaintea zilei.
Azi e 13 octombrie
Today is the 13th of October (engleza britanica)
Today is October 13th (engleza americana)
Today is October 13 (engleza americana - fara th)

The New York City terrorist attacks took place on September 11, 2001.
They are also called the 9/11 (luna zi) attacks
Atacurile teroriste din New York au avut loc pe 11 Septembrie.
Ele sunt deasemeni numite atacurile 9 11

209. What time is it? - Cat e ceasul?
It is noon - E 12 ziua
It is midnight - E 12 noaptea
10 sau It is 10 o'clock sau It is 10 - E ora zece
It is half past ten. - E zece jumatate
It is a quarter past ten - E zece si un sfert
It is a quarter to ten - E zece fara un sfert

210. How old are you? - Cati ani ai?
I am 24
I am 24 years old

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