– desi.
- in alte contexte are intelesul de totusi sau desi:Although it is late I am still at work - Desi este tarziu sunt inca la birou.
I can not come, I would like to though. -
Nu pot sa vin, mi-ar placea totusi (sa vin).
I can not come though I would like to - Nu pot sa vin desi mi-ar placea
765. AS
- ca
– pe cand
– asa cum
– She is as cute as a button sau she is cute as a button. - Ea este draguta ca un nasturas.
- Clean as a pack of new pins - curat ca un pachet de ace noi.
- Happy as a skylark - fericita ca o ciocarlie
Do as I do – Fa ca mine.
As I read on the lesson became easier – Pe cand citeam lectia a devenit mai usoara.
He cannot come as you well know – Nu poate veni asa cum bine sti.
- pentru ca
Take your coat because it's cold outside – Ia-ti haina pentru ca este frig afara
767. IF
– daca, daca...atunci
If you are happy, clap you're hands. Daca esti vesel, bate din palme
Atunci bate din palme – Then clap your hands.
– de cand
SINCE nu se foloseste la interogativ
La interogativ se foloseste SINCE WHEN.
The boy is sad since his parrot flew away. - Baiatul este trist de cand i-a zburat papagalul.
Since when do you swim? Since I was six.- De cand inoti? De cand aveam sase ani.
769. SINCE
– are si intelesul de cum
- din
Since you know everything, I won't tell you – Cum tu le stii pe toate nu iti spun.
She has been skiing since childhood – Ea a schiat din copilarie.
770. THAN
- decat, ca
I am taller than you.- Eu sunt mai inalt ca tine.
Better later than never - Mai bine mai tarziu decat niciodata
- decat daca
Don't answer the door unless it rings three times. - Sa nu raaspunzi la usa decat daca suna de trei ori.
772. WHERE
- unde, acolo unde
Where are my eyeglasses? - Unde imi sant ochelarii?
Where you left them. - Acolo unde i-ai lasat.
He stays in hotels where rooms are cheap. - Sta in hoteluri unde (in care) camerele sunt iefine.
He stays where rooms are cheap. - El sta acolo unde camerele sunt ieftine.
773. WHERE...FROM?
- de unde
Where are you from? - De unde esti?
I am from Bucharest – Sunt din Bucuresti
774. WHEN
- cand, atunci cand
When you buy food, always check the expiration date. - Cand cumperi mancare totdeauna verifica data expirarii.
When did she leave? - (She left) when the phone rang.
Cand a plecat? - (A plecat) atunci cand a sunat telefonul.
775. WHILE
- in timp ce
Tot while poate fi si substantiv cu intelesul de putin timp, un pic.
Whistle while you work – Fluiera in timp ce muncesti.
Stay with us for a while - Stai cu noi un pic.
776. BOTH ... AND
- si
Both his dog and his cat sleep on his bed – Atat cainele cat si pisica lui dorm la el in pat.
777. EITHER ... OR
- sau...sau
You either apologize for breaking the vase or you buy it. - Sau iti ceri scuze ca ai spart vasul sau il cumperi.
778. NEITHER ... NOR
- nici ...nici.
No. I'll neither apologize nor buy it. - Nu, nici nu imi voi cere scuze nici nu il voi cumpara.
- nu si
Not only was I pushed but I also hit myself when I
fell over the vase. - Nu numai ca am fost impins ci m-am si lovit cand
am cazut peste vas.
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