Diateza Pasiva - Present Tense
The crates are lifted by me - Lazile sunt ridicate de mine
La Diateza Activa ar fi fost: I lift crates - Eu ridic lazi.I am lifted - Eu sunt ridicat
You are lifted - Tu esti ridicat
He is lifted - El este ridicat
She is lifted - Ea este ridicata
We are lifted - Noi suntem ridicati
You are lifted - Voi sunteti ridicati
They are lifted - Ei, Ele sunt ridicati/ridicate
293. Diateza Pasiva - Present Continuous
The creates are being lifted by me
La Diateza Activa ar fi fost: I am lifting crates.
I am being lifted
You are being lifted
He is being lifted
She is being lifted
We are being lifted
You are being lifted
They are being lifted
294. Diateza Pasiva - Past Tense
The crates were lifted by me - Lazile au fost ridicate de mine
La Diateza Activa ar fi fost: I lifted crates - Eu am ridicat lazi.
I was lifted - Eu am fost ridicat
You were lifted - Tu ai fost ridicat
He was lifted - El a fost ridicat
She was lifted - Ea a fost ridicata
We were lifted - Noi am fost ridicati
You were lifted - Voi ati fost ridicati
They were lifted - Ei, Ele au fost ridicati
295. Diateza Pasiva - Present Perfect
The creates have been lifted by me
La Diateza Activa ar fi fost: I have lifted crates.
I have been lifted - Eu am fost ridicat
You have been lifted - Tu ai fost ridicat
He has been lifted - El a fost ridicat
She has been lifted - Ea a fost ridicata
We have been lifted - Noi am fost ridicati
You have been lifted - Voi ati fost ridicati
They have been lifted - Ei, Ele au fost ridicati
296. Diateza Pasiva - Past Continuous
The crates were being lifted by me - Lazile erau ridicate de mine
La Diateza Activa ar fi fost: I was lifting crates - Eu ridicam lazi.
I was being lifted - Eu eram ridicat
You were being lifted - Tu erai ridicat
He was being lifted - El era ridicat
She was being lifted - Ea era ridicata
We were being lifted - Noi eram ridicati
You were being lifted - Voi erati ridicati
They were being lifted - Ei, Ele erau ridicati
297. Diateza Pasiva - Past Perfect
The crates had been lifted by me - Lazile fusesera ridicate de mine
La Diateza Activa ar fi fost: I had lifted crates - Eu ridicasem lazi.
I had been lifted - Eu fusesem ridicat
You had been lifted - Tu fusesesi ridicat
He had been lifted - El fusesese ridicat
She had been lifted - Ea fusesese ridicata
We had been lifted - Noi fuseseram ridicati
You had been lifted - Voi fuseserati ridicati
They had been lifted - Ei, Ele fusesera ridicati
298. Diateza Pasiva - Future Tense
The creates will be lifted by me - Lazile vor fi ridicate de mine.
La Diateza Activa ar fi fost: I will lift crates - Eu voi ridica lazi.
I will be lifted - Eu voi fi ridicat
You will be lifted - Tu vei fi ridicat
He will be lifted - El va fi ridicat
She will be lifted - Ea va fi ridicata
We will be lifted - Noi vom fi ridicati
You will be lifted - Voi veti fi ridicati
They will be lifted - Ei, Ele vor fi ridicati
299. Diateza Pasiva - Future Continuous
The creates will be being lifted by me.
La Diateza Activa ar fi fost: I will be lifting crates.
Acest timp e prea complicat. Nu se foloseste
300. Diateza Pasiva - Future Perfect
The creates will have been lifted by me - Lazile vor fi fost ridicate de mine.
La Diateza Activa ar fi fost: I will have lifted crates - Eu voi fi ridicat lazi.
I will have been lifted - Eu voi fi fost ridicat
You will have been lifted - Tu vei fi fost ridicat
He will have been lifted - El va fi fost ridicat
She will have been lifted - Ea va fi fost ridicata
We will have been lifted - Noi vom fi fost ridicati
You will have been lifted - Voi veti fi fost ridicati
They will have been lifted - Ei, Ele vor fi fost ridicati
301. Diateza Pasiva - Perfect Continuous Tenses
La Diateza Activa ar fi fost:
I have been lifting crates
I had been lifting crates
I will have been lifting crates
Aceste timpuri devin foarte complicate la diateza pasiva, asa ca nu se folosesc.
302. Modul conditional exista si in engleza si in romana:
I would fly if I had wings. - As zbura daca as avea aripi.
As zbura (I would fly) e conditionalul prezent
As fi zburat - I would have flown e conditionalul trecut
303. Conditionalul Prezent ramane neschimbat la toate persoanele:
I would fly - Eu as zbura
You would fly - Tu ai zbura
He would fly - El ar zbura
She would fly - Ea ar zbura
We would fly - Noi am zbura
You would fly - Voi ati zbura
They would fly - Ei, Ele ar zbura
304. I shall do this are la conditional echivalentul I should do this
I will do this are la conditional echivalentul I would do this
would si should nu inseamna acelasi lucru:
shall implica o promisiune - I should inseamna ar trebui
I would inseamna as vrea
Tom: I shall win the race! - Voi castiga cursa!
Bill: You should!- Ar trebui (ar fi cazul)
Tom: I will call you!- Am sa va sun!
Bill I know you would (like to call us), but they might not have phones -
Stiu ca ai vrea sa ne suni, dar s-ar putea sa nu aiba telefoane.
305. La diateza pasiva ca si la diateza activa conditionalul nu se schimba in functie de persoana (you, he, she etc)
I would be asked by my teacher - As fi intrebat de profesoara.
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