marți, 24 martie 2015


406. Exemplu: Forma interogativa a verbului to be si to watch la Present Tense

I am happy - Eu sunt fericit
I watch a movie every night - Ma uit la un film in fiare seara.
Are you happy? - Tu esti fericit?
Is he happy? - E el fericit?
Do you watch a movie every night? - Te uiti la un film in fiecare seara?
Does he watch a movie every night? - Se uita el la un film in fiecare seara?

407. Exemplu: Forma interogativa a verbului to watch la Present Continuous

I am watching a movie. - Ma uit la un film.
Are you watching a movie? - Te uiti la un film?
Is she watching a movie? - Ea se uita la un film?
Are they watching a movie? - Ei se uita la un film?

408. Exemplu: Forma interogativa a verbului to be si to watch la Past Tense

I was happy - Eu eram fericit
I watched a movie - M-am uitat la un film.
Was I happy - Eram fericit
Were you happy? - Erai fericit
Was she happy? - Era fericita?

Did you watch a movie? - Te-ai uitat la un film?
Did they watch a movie - S-au uitat ei la film?

409. Exemplu: Forma interogativa a verbului to be si to watch la Present Perfect

I have been happy in the past - Eu eram fericit in trecut
I have watched a movie - M-am uitat la un film.
Have I been happy in the past? - Am fost eu fericit in trecut?
Has he been happy in the past? - A fost el fericit in trecut?
Have they been happy in the past? - Au fost ei fericiti in trecut?

Have you watched a movie? - Te-ai uitat la un film?
Has she watched a movie? - S-a uitat ea la un film?

410. Exemplu: Forma interogativa a verbului to watch la Past Continuous
I was watching a movie when the lights went off - Ma uitam la un film cand s-au stins luminile.

Were you watching a movie, when the lights went off? - Te uitai la un film cand s-au stins luminile.
Was he watching a movie, when the lights went off? - Se uita el la un film cand s-au stins luminile?.
Were they watching a movie, when the lights went off? - Se uitaU ei la un film cand s-au stins luminile?

411. Exemplu: Forma interogativa a verbului to be si to watch la Past Perfect
I had been happy until then - Pana atunci fusesem fericit(a).
I had watched a movie already - Ma uitasem deja la un film.

Had you been happy untill then? - Pana atunci fusesei fericit(a)?
Had we been happy untill then? - Pana atunci fusesem noi fericit?

Had you watched a movie already? - Te uitasei tu deja la un film?
Had they watched a movie already? - Se uitasera ei deja la un film?

412. Exemplu: Forma interogativa a verbelor to watch si to be la Future Tense
Someday, I will be happy - Intr-o zi voi fi fericit(a).
I will watch a movie - Ma voi uita la un film.

Someday, will I be happy? - Voi fi fericit(a) intr-o zi?
Someday, will they be happy - Voi fi ei(ele) fericiti(e) intr-o zi?

Will I watch a movie? - Ma voi uita eu la un film? (vezi verbe modale)
Will they watch a movie? - Se vor uita ei la un film? (vezi verbe modale)

413. Exemplu: Forma interogativa a verbului to watch la Future Continuous
I will be watching a movie at that time - Ma voi uita la un film, la acea ora.
Will you be watching a movie at that time? - Te vei uita la un film la acea ora?
Will we be watching a movie at that time? - Ne vom uita la un film la acea ora?

414. Forma interogativa a verbelor to watch si to be la Future Perfect
I will have been happy - Voi fi fost fericit(a).
When this movie is over I will have watched 3 movies - Cand se termina acest film ma voi fi uitat la 3 filme.
Will you have been happy> - Vei fi fost tu fericit(a)?

When this movie is over will you have watched 3 movies ?- Cand se termina acest film te vei fi uitat la 3 filme?

415. Exemplu: Forma interogativa a verbului to watch la Present Perfect Continuous
I have been watching a movie all afternoon - M-am uitat la un film toata dupa amiaza.
Have you been watching a movie all afternoon? - Te-ai uitat la un film toata dupa amiaza?
Has she been watching a movie all afternoon? - S-a uitat ea la un film toata dupa amiaza?

416. Exemplu: Forma interogativa a verbului to watch la Past Perfect Continuous
I had been watching a movie all afternoon before you came over.- Ma uitasem la un film toata dupa amiaza inainte sa vii tu.
Had you been watching a movie all afternoon before I came over? - Te uitasei la un film toata dupa amiaza inainte sa vin eu?
Had he been watching a movie all afternoon before I came over? - Se uitase la un film toata dupa amiaza inainte sa vin eu?

417. Exemplu: Forma interogativa a verbului to watch la Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been watching a movie all afternoon by the time it is 5 o'clock.- Ma voi fi uitat la un film toata dupa amiaza pana sa se faca ora 5.
Will you have been watching a movie all afternoon by the time it is 5 o'clock?- Te vei fi uitat la un film toata dupa amiaza pana sa se faca ora 5?

418. Formarea unui interogativ dintr-o propozitie negativa

Are + pronume + not se contracta intotdeauna in aren't + pronume
Is + pronume + not se contracta intotdeauna in isn't + pronume
Do + pronume + not se contracta intotdeauna in don't + pronume
Will + pronume + not se contracta intotdeauna in won't
Have + pronume + not se contracta intotdeauna in haven't

Was + pronume + not se contracta intotdeauna in wasn't + pronume
Were + pronume + not se contracta intotdeauna in weren't + pronume
Did + pronume + not se contracta intotdeauna in didn't + pronume
Had + pronume + not se contracta intotdeauna in hadn't + pronume

Would + pronume + not se contracta intotdeauna in wouldn't + pronume
Should + pronume + not se contracta intotdeauna in shouldn't + pronume
Puteti sa procedati astfel:
Luati interogativul pozitiv si inlocuiti dupa caz, auxiliarul inversat cu una din contractiile de mai sus.
Altfel porniti de la negatie si faceti inversiunea.
You are 20 - Ai 20 de ani.
You are not 20 - Nu ai 20 de ani.

Are you 20? - Ai 20 de ani?
Aren't you 20? - N-ai 20 de ani?

You saw him - L-ai vazut.
You did not see him - Nu l-ai vazut.

Did you see him? - L-ai vazut?
Didn't you see him? - Nu l-ai vazut?

419. Formarea unui interogativ dintr-o propozitie negativa in cazul verbului to be.

In cazul verbului to be, interogativul negativ se face tot prin inversarea subiectului cu primul dintre verbele auxiliare.
Am I not - NU se contracta.

Am I going to Paris? - Merg la Paris?
Are you hungry? - Ti-e foame?
Aren't you hungry? - Nu ti-e foame?

Were you hungry? - Ti-era foame?
Weren't you hungry? - Nu ti-era foame?

Have you been hungry? - Ti-a fost foame?
Haven't you been hungry? - Nu ti-a fost foame?

Was I quick? - Am fost iute?
Wasn't I quick? - N-am fost iute?

Will he be there? - Va fi acolo?
Won't he be there? - Nu va fi acolo?

420. Formarea unui interogativ dintr-o propozitie negativa in cazul altui verb decat to be.
Do you like cheese? - Iti place branza?
Don't you like cheese - Nu iti place branza?

Will he paint your portrait? - Iti va picta portretul?
Won't he paint your portrait? - Nu iti va picta portretul?

Have you planted your garden? - Ti-ai plantat gradina?
Haven't you planted your garden? - Nu ti-ai plantat gradina?
Have you been talking on the phone? - Ai vorbit la telefon?
Haven't you been talking on the phone?

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