Explicaţi diferenţa dintre frazele următoare (Explain the difference between the following phrases):
a) After school, he goes straight home.
b) Today, after school, he's going straight home.
c) She wrote a book.
d) She was writing a book at the time.
Completaţi spaţiile libere (Fill in the blanks):
a) My best friend _____________ (sing) at the pub right now.
b) My best friend _____________ (sing) in a band.
c) She ____________ (not, can) come right now.
d) We ____________ (not, be) there when she ____________ (speak) to the teacher.
e) They refuse to make peace with her. They ____________ (be) selfish and immature.
Traduceţi în limba română frazele următoare. Utilizaţi dicţionarul acolo unde este nevoie (Translate into Romanian the following phrases. Use the dictionary where needed):
a) I play the piano every evening.
b) When I came home she was working at her project.
c) I'm doing my homework. What is it?
Traduceţi în limba engleză frazele următoare. Utilizaţi dicţionarul acolo unde este nevoie (Translate into English the following phrases. Use the dictionary where needed):
a) Ce făceai aseară la miezul nopţii?
b) Învăţam pentru examenul de azi.
c) Acum încerc să repar greşeala ta.
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