sâmbătă, 12 aprilie 2014


Causative verbs

Causative structures indicate that one thing or person causes another thing or person to do something or be something.

Examples of causatives

Have (give someone the responsibility to do something)
  • I had John fix the car
  • I had my hair cut
Make (force someone to do something)
  • The teacher made the students work in groups
  • Our boss made us work extra hours
Get (convince or trick someone into doing something)
  • He got the mechanic to repair the machine.
  • She got him to read more.
Let (allow someone do something)
  • Jane let her son go out
  • They let the children play in the yard

Other causative verbs

Other causative verbs include:
allow, help, enable, keep, hold, force, require, persuade

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