duminică, 13 aprilie 2014

Propozitia relativa (relative clauses)

Relative clauses se folosesc pentru a da informatii despre un anumit subiect fara a incepe o noua propozitie. Astfel, in loc sa ai doua propozitii scurte despartite de virgula, vei introduce un relative pronoun(who, which, whose, whom, that) pentru a le lega. Astfel obtii o propozitie mai complexa dar fluenta, in acelasi timp evitand repetarea unor anumite cuvinte care nu ar face decat sa ingreuneze textul/propozitia. Sa trecem la exemple:
1. Do you know that girl? She has a ponytail.
------> Do you know that girl WHO has a ponytail?
2. He got angry. It surprised me.
------> He got angry, WHICH surprised me.
3. Do you like that girl? Her mother is a nurse.
-------> Do you like the girl WHOSE mother is a nurse?
4.I don't like the table. It stands in the kitchen.
-------> I don't like the table THAT stands in the kitchen.

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